FPC1000 Biometric Controller User Manual
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1.2 Model Number
Model Options:
FPC 100 0 - P
Compatible with these types card:
P: 125KHz (LF): EM4100, TK4100, HID1326, 1386, AWID, KK234\250T; and others
U: 13.56MHz (HF): KK1208 M1, Philips S50, Mifare-1 Compatible and others
P models Supports Multi Wiegand Output:
AWID: Follow card, up to 58BIT
EM, 2308: W26, W34
HID, 1326, 1386: According to card configuration, W26/27/34/35/37 and so on
KK, KK243\250T: W34 W50
P: Multi-Technology 125KHz; Awid, EM, HID Prox., Keyking and more
U: Multi-Technology 13.56MHz: Mifare, DesFire, Encrypted and more
0 / 2: Keypad, TFT Display – On Device Configuration
1: Slim Design – no keypad or display – Software configurable only
100: 1000 Series, Standard Optical sensor.
200: 2000 Series, Fake Finger Detection Technology.
FPC: Finger Print Controller;
Entry Control