26 HX3.5 Mainboard
How To
How do I store drawbar settings as preset?
The Voice memories 0 ... 15 only record the drawbar settings for the manuals and the pedal.
Saving takes place in the Voice main menu or a sub-menu for the drawbar setting. Press the knob
until "Save AAAA to Voice #XX" ("AAAA" stands for Upper, Lower or Pedal) appears. Select the
destination Voice preset number and press the knob again to confirm.
In any other menu, the current drawbar setting is stored as Voice 0 along with all other settings as
the Common Preset. Press the knob until "Save to Preset #XX" appears in the display. ("XX"
stands for the destination preset number). Select the destination preset number as desired and
press the rotary knob again to confirm.
In which way does the live preset 0 differ from other presets?
Traditionally, the live preset 0 is not a real preset, but instead applies the current
“live” settings of
the drawbars and control switches. If you select a preset different from 0, your live settings will
remain stored. If you return to preset 0, the live settings will be recalled. In addition to that, the
HX3.5 preset 0 preserves other parameter settings, which are cannot be set
“live” by drawbars or
other controls. It also determines the power-up settings.
How do I copy a stored preset to another preset?
Press the rotary knob twice to navigate to the preset/drawbar menu. Select the preset you wish to
copy. Keep the button pressed until
“Save to Preset #XX” appears on the display. (“XX”
representing the current preset number and the target preset number, respectively). Turn the
rotary knob to select the target preset number. Press the rotary knob until
“Saved to Preset #XX”
appears on the display.
How do I access the General MIDI instruments?
Go to the submenu of the manual or pedal to which you want to assign a GM instrument. Turn the
knob until you reach the GM program selection. Briefly press the knob and select the desired
instrument. Set the desired level at the next menu position. If you do not want the GM instrument
to sound as a layer with the organ, set the drawbars to zero.
HX3 WiFi interface
To operate the HX3 Mainboard with WiFi interface, please refer to the separate HX3.5 Touch
Control User Manual (PDF).