36 User-defined data output (1. Printout
4. Printout )
Here you can define 4 different types of data output.
The content of the data output is defined as follows.
First line
1. Printout start - 1
, i.e. text begins at line 1 (1. Text)
Last line
1. Printout stop - 20
, i.e. text ends at line 20 (20. Text)
Text input per line is carried out via the arrow keys (see chapter 8.1)
in the respective strings.
1. string
of text input
20. string
End of text input
During text input lines may overlap, e.g.:
1. Printout start - 1
1. Printout stop - 40
2. Printout start - 20
2. Printout stop - 40
Text input:
Max. 640 characters
80 lines
8 characters per line
After each line confirm your text input using the
After completely entering the text use the
-key to confirm (see chapt. 8.1).