Technical specifications
Kendrion INTORQ | BA 14.0217 | 07/2021
Technical specifications
General information
Danger of explosion
Increased temperatures on the surfaces and in the friction gap can result when the maxi-
mum friction work and operating frequencies specified by Kendrion INTORQ are ex-
ceeded. These can lead to ignition.
Operation is only permitted within the specified specifications.
The characteristic curve for the friction work (in the sections Dust explosive atmosphere (zone 22: non-
conductive dusts), Page 30 and Gas explosive atmosphere (zone 2), Page 32) as a function of the
operating frequency must not be exceeded when in an explosive atmosphere or even in emergency-
stop mode.
If the facility operator cannot ensure that the specified friction work and operating frequencies will be
complied with, then the temperatures defined on the ATEX name plate for the dust zone must be moni-
tored on the brake's magnet housing using a suitable temperature measurement mechanism. If there is
no available knowledge of the occurring temperatures, then Kendrion INTORQ is no longer responsible
for this ATEX certification.
In an explosive gas atmosphere, the resulting frictional heat in the friction gap created during the brak-
ing process creates a potential source of ignition. It is not possible here to measure the temperature
during braking operations. Thus, it is very important to comply with the specified values for the friction
work and operating frequencies. If the values for the actual friction work and operating frequencies are
not known, the brake must not be put into operation in this atmosphere.
Possible applications of the Kendrion INTORQspring-applied brake
Ambient temperature:
– The ATEX spring-applied brake is designed for a duty cycle (DC) of 100% (with brake released, ar-
mature plate permanently tightened) at an ambient temperature of 40 °C as a holding/parking
brake, as a holding brake with emergency-stop function, and as a service brake. At higher ambient
temperatures, the duty cycle of the brake must be reduced (alternatively, the holding voltage of the
brake may be reduced):
Rated coil voltage:
– Max. 110 % U
Cooling conditions:
– Motor with self-ventilation or forced ventilation, with thermal load according to thermal class B
Temperature of the mounting flange for the spring-applied brake:
– Holding brake: max. 100° C
– Service brake in zone 2 (gas atmosphere): max. 80° C
– Service brake in zone 22 (dust atmosphere): max. 80° C