Model DMM7510 7½ Digit Graphical Sampling Multimeter Reference Manual
Section 3: Functions and features
DMM7510-901-01 Rev. B / May 2015
Front-panel macro recording limitations
When you are recording a macro script from the front panel, the settings you make are recorded at
the speed at which you make them. However, when the macro you created is run, it runs at remote
command processing speed. This can be a problem when working with trigger models and other
features that require time to finish processing before remaining commands can process.
For example, if you record a macro that includes a trigger model that you initiate followed by other
settings changes or additional trigger initiate actions, an error message is generated. This is because
the trigger model takes time to complete, but the macro recording from the front panel does not add
commands or other delay settings to the script that allow the trigger model to
finish before processing the other commands.
Configuration lists
Instrument configuration
An instrument configuration is a collection of settings that can be applied to the instrument.
Active setting
At any given time, the instrument is operating using its active settings. For example, if you set the
measure NPLC to 1.0, the active NPLC setting is 1.0.
Active state
At any given time, the complete set of active settings of the instrument is the active state. These
active settings can be subdivided into the following groups:
Measure and digitize settings
General settings
The active state of the instrument changes when:
You use the front panel of the instrument to change settings.
You send commands to the instrument that change settings.
You use a configuration list to recall measure settings.
You run a configuration script (TSP or front panel) or use
(SCPI) to recall all instrument
When you create a new configuration list, it is important to remember that all instrument settings are
included in its active state, not just the specific settings that changed immediately before setting up
the configuration list.
What is a configuration list?
A configuration list is a list of stored settings for the measure or digitize function. You can restore
these settings to change the active state of the instrument.
Configuration lists allow you to record the function settings of the instrument, store them, and then
return the instrument to those settings as needed.
You can recall configuration lists from the front panel, using remote commands, or as part of a trigger