4. Determine whether your computer has sufficient resources for your
DAS-TC/B board.
5. Determine whether your DAS-TC/B board can use your computer’s
free resources.
6. If you have the needed resources, continue with the next section,
“Installing the Software.”
The DriverLINX Installation and Configuration Guide
, Section 1,
amplifies the inventory process in checklist items 1-5. (Ignore the rest of
the checklist items for now.) To display this manual from your
DriverLINX DAS-TC/B CD-ROM, open the Windows Explorer, then
double click on X:\Drvlinx4\Docs\Instconf.pdf, where X = the letter of
the CD-ROM drive. Acrobat Reader must already be installed on the other
system. If necessary, you can first install Acrobat Reader directly from the
CD-ROM by double clicking X:\Acrobat\setup.exe.
Installing the Software
Installing Application Software and Drivers
Installing the TestPoint software and driver
The DriverLINX driver for TestPoint is provided as part of the TestPoint
software. The driver therefore installs automatically when you install
You can install TestPoint application software, made by Capital
Equipment Corporation (CEC), at any time—before or after installing
DriverLINX and the DAS-TC/B board. For TestPoint installation
instructions, consult the manual provided by CEC.
Before using TestPoint with the DAS-TC/B version of
DriverLINX, check with CEC to ensure that your version of TestPoint is
compatible with DriverLINX.