Model 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer Reference Manual
Section 11: System administration
4200A-901-01 Rev. C / February 2017
Restore the drive image to factory condition
In addition to allowing you to create your own backups, the 4200A-SCS hard drive image is archived
before shipment. This allows you to restore the contents of the 4200A-SCS hard drive to the condition
it was in before shipment from Keithley Instruments.
The restore process takes about ten minutes.
Restoring the 4200A-SCS hard drive to factory condition deletes all files written to the hard drive
after shipment. Ensure you back up all data and files before you restore the hard drive to factory
To restore the 4200A-SCS hard drive to factory condition:
1. Reboot the 4200A-SCS. As the system boots up, there is a splash screen that contains the
Keithley logo. Once this disappears, the Acronis message is displayed.
2. Press
. You have approximately three seconds to press F11. The Acronis Bootup program
3. Follow the instructions to restore the factory hard drive image.
For additional detail about the Acronis True Image HD software, please refer to the
Acronis True
Image HD User Guide
, which is available through the 4200A-SCS Learning Center.
Choose the files to be backed up
Keithley recommends backing up the following files and directories, where applicable:
The default user directory
When a 4200A-SCS is received from the factory, the
directory contains all
installed test results and user application files. Clarius
stores all user-created projects and tests
in this location.
Avoid selective backups of
subfolders, such as
. Such backups do not preserve the
additional application files that are needed to restore the associated test setups and conditions.
Special data files and directories
Back up any additional, specialized data files or directories, such as the following:
A file into which a User Test Module (UTM) automatically places test results. For example, a
UTM could be set to put results into
A file that results from manual processing of data using Microsoft
It is possible to back up the whole hard drive. However, the 4200A-SCS system files and application
program files occupy a large portion of the storage and may not be properly recoverable unless
backed up using special software. Such backups may be justifiable only if the user directory structure
is too complex for selective backup and when storage space is plentiful.
You cannot back up files that are normally in use — for example, certain system files — without
special backup software. Before considering use of such software, review the precautions in
(on page 11-6).