Model 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer Reference Manual
Section 8: Keithley User Library Tool (KULT)
4200A-901-01 Rev. C / February 2017
Dialog box test examples
The following examples demonstrate how you can use dialog boxes in a test sequence.
Example: Announce end of test
For this example, you will create a user test module (UTM) that uses the OK dialog user module. This
dialog box announces the end of a test sequence. You can use this UTM in any project at the end of
any test sequence.
To create an end-of-test announcement:
1. In the Clarius project tree, select the last test. The announcement will occur after this test.
2. Choose
3. Select the
4. For the Custom Test, select
Choose a test from the pre-programmed library (UTM)
5. Drag
Custom Test
to the project tree. The test has a red triangle next to it to indicate that it is not
6. Select
7. Enter the name
End of test prompt
8. Select
9. In the Test Setting pane on the right, set the User Libraries to
10. Set User Modules to
11. For NumberOfMessages, enter
12. For Message1Text, enter
Test Finished
13. For Message2Text, enter
Click OK to continue
. An example is shown in the graphic below.
Figure 458: New UTM using OkDialog user module