Series 3700A System Switch/Multimeter Reference Manual
Section 5: Switching and scanning
3700AS-901-01 Rev. D/June 2018
A saved setup or created configuration script retains the model number of the card installed in each
slot. The model number of a pseudocard is the same as the model number of an actual card (except
for Model 3732 cards; see the "Pseudocard support for the Model 3732" topic in the
Series 3700
Switch and Control Cards Reference Manual
for details). This allows a saved setup or created
configuration script to be recalled if the installed card (or pseudocard) matches the model number for
the slot in the saved setup or created configuration script.
Pseudocards programming example
Use the following command to set the pseudocard of slot 6 for 3720 Dual 1 × 30 Multiplexer card
slot[6].pseudocard = 3720
Alternatively, you could send the following command:
slot[6].pseudocard = 3720
Scanning and triggering
A scan is a series of steps that opens and closes switches sequentially for a selected group of
channels. During each step, actions occur, such as waiting for a trigger, making a measurement, and
completing a step count. Scans automate actions that you want to perform consistently and
repeatedly on a set of channels.
Triggers are events that prompt the instrument to move from one step to another in a scan. Triggers
can come from different sources, such as a key press, digital input, or expiration of a timer. The
sequence of actions and events that occur during the scan is called the trigger model.
Scanning and triggering allow you to synchronize actions across channels. You can set up a scan
using the trigger model to precisely time and synchronize the Series 3700A between channels and
multiple instruments. You can also use triggers without the trigger model to set up a scan to meet the
needs of a specific application that does not fit the trigger model.
You can configure and run scans from the front panel, over a remote communication interface, or
through the web interface. If you are using the communication interface or the web interface, the scan
is a set of actions determined by the trigger model. If you use the front panel, key presses determine
the order of the scan.
The Keithley Instruments Series 3700A can scan channels with up to six Keithley Instruments
switching cards installed. Each scan channel can have its own unique setup. Aspects of operation
that may be uniquely set for each channel include function, range, rate, AC bandwidth, relative offset
(REL), filter, digits, math, offset compensation, temperature transducers, limits, volts dB, and so on.
You can automatically store readings for scanned channels in a specified reading buffer (Buffer:
Data Storage and Retrieval).