Section 3: Functions and features
Model 2651A High Power System SourceMeter® Instrument Reference Manual
2651A-901-01 Rev. A / March 2011
Pulse sweep examples
The programming example below illustrates a pulse sweep.
-- Restore Model 2651A defaults.
-- Set compliance to 10 V.
smua.source.limitv = 10
1. Configure source functions.
Restores defaults and set the compliance to
10 V.
-- Pulse current sweep, 1 mA bias,
-- 10 mA level, 10 ms pulse on,
-- 50 ms pulse off, 10 cycles.
PulseIMeasureV(smua, 1e-3, 10e-3, 20e-3, 50e-3, 10)
2. Configure and execute the sweep.
Configures a 10 mA pulse current sweep
with a 10 ms pulse on time, a 50 ms pulse
off time, and 10 pulse-measure cycles.
printbuffer(1, 10, smua.nvbuffer1.readings)
3. Request readings.
Requests readings from buffer 1.
List sweep example
The programming example below illustrates a list sweep.
-- Restore Model 2651A defaults.
-- Set compliance to 10 mA.
smua.source.limiti = 10e-3
1. Configure source functions.
Restores defaults and set the compliance to
10 mA.
-- Define voltage list.
vlist = {3, 1, 4, 5, 2}
-- List sweep, channel A, 3 V, 1 V, 4 V,
-- 5 V, 2 V steps, 0.1 s delay, 5 points.
SweepVListMeasureI(smua, vlist, 0.1, 5)
2. Configure and execute the sweep.
Configures a list sweep with 3 V, 1 V, 4 V,
5 V, and 2 V points using a 0.1 second
settling time.
printbuffer(1, 5, smua.nvbuffer1.readings)
3. Request readings.
Requests readings from buffer 1.
Remote triggering overview
There are two programming methods for triggering:
Using the trigger model
Interactive triggering