2606B System SourceMeter® Instrument Reference Manual
Section 4: Theory of operation
2606B-901-01 Rev. B / May 2018
Operating boundaries
The 2606B is specified for operation in Quadrants I and III. When operating in Quadrant I or III, the
instrument is operating as a source (voltage and current have the same polarity).
Depending on how the instrument is programmed and what is connected to the output (load or
source), you can set the instrument to operate as a sink. When operating in the second (II) or fourth
(IV) quadrant, the instrument is operating as a sink (voltage and current have opposite polarity). As a
sink, it is dissipating power rather than sourcing it. An external source or an energy storage device,
such as a capacitor, battery, or another SMU, can force operation in the sink region.
The 2606B is not designed to be operated as a sink instrument. You should avoid situations
that cause the instrument to operate as a sink. Operation in Quadrant II or IV can result in
overheating and possible equipment damage.
Refer to the specifications, available on
, for more information on the quadrants of
Continuous power operating boundaries
The general operating boundaries for the 2606B continuous power output are shown in the following
figure (for derating factors, see the
Power equations to avoid overheating
(on page 4-2)). In this
drawing, the current (1 A and 3 A) and the voltage (6 V and 20 V) magnitudes are nominal values.
Also note that the boundaries are not drawn to scale.
Figure 77: 2606B continuous power operating boundaries