PA-855 Rev. B / 1-05
Model 2306NV Battery/Charger Simulator
User’s Guide
Keithley Instruments, Inc.
28775 Aurora Road
Cleveland, Ohio 44139
(440) 248-0400
Fax: (440) 248-6168
This information is to be used in conjunction with the Model 2306 Instruction manual. The
Instruction manual is on the Product Information CD-ROM that ships with the Model 2306NV.
Make sure to thoroughly understand the operation of the Model 2306NV before operating or con-
necting the unit.
This User’s Guide contains operational differences between the Model 2306NV and the standard Model 2306. The model num-
ber displayed during the power up sequence is 2306NV instead of 2306. The REVISION NUMBER under MAIN MENU dis-
plays ‘NV’ between the two revision numbers as shown below:
B13 NV B01
Additionally, sending the identification query ‘
’ returns the 2306NV model number as shown below:
KEITHLEY INSTRUMENTS INC., MODEL 2306NV, xxxxxxx, yyyyy/zzzzz
is the serial number.
is the firmware revision level of the digital board ROM.
is the firmware revision level display board ROM.
2306NV operation
Essentially, the Model 2306NV functions the same as the Model 2306 with one exception: the Model 2306 can perform DVM
measurements while the 2306NV (no voltmeter) cannot. With this in mind, note the following differences:
• The DVM menu item (DVM INPUT) has been removed. Also, the quick disconnect connectors contain non-functional
DVM + and DVM - terminals.
• The commands contained in Table 1 have changed. Sending these unsupported commands will cause errors.
Table 1
2306NV Command differences
Independent voltage
measurements (DVM)
:SENSe[1]:FUNCtion <name>
:SENSe2:FUNCtion <name>
Command <name> of 'DVM' and 'DVMeter'
removed. Also, the portion of associated commands
such as :NPLCycles <n> or :AVERage <NRf> with
respect to DVMeter, have also been removed.
Signal Oriented
Command <function> 'DVM' and 'DVMeter'
Common Commands
This command returns 2306NV for model type.