Version Info
This window shows the actual version of the WinCE-SW image and of the
ConfigTool and KetopAPI of the KeTop.
Checking the virtual key code of keys
This toolbox shows the virtual key code of a pressed or released key.
Key Test
Shows the attached virtual key code (HEX) and the event "pressed" of a
pressed key.
Shows the attached virtual key code (HEX) and the event "released" of a
released key.
Installation of Programs
Programs can be only installed in the IPSM (Intel Persistent Storage Manager)
directory. Since only this directory is stored in the flash, data installed in another
way will get lost after turning off the KeTop.
Installation data entered in the registry can be saved with the command
KeTop - Specific Operating Instructions
KeTop T50VGA
© KEBA 2009
User's Manual V1.50