Wiring diagram
Connection of KeTop T50VGA with RS-232-C via connection box KeTop CB211
4.10 Serial port female connector S2 for Debug Interface (RS-232-C)
Using the "Boot-Loader" software, the "serial port" interface can be used for
debugging and for downloading software. Using the remote software Active-
Sync, it can be used for adjusting and transmitting data from and to a PC. For
that purpose, the download cable KeTop XD040 is available.
The following interface parameters are defined and cannot be changed:
115200 baud
8 data bits
1 stop bit
no parity
no handshake
The debug interface is assigned to the COM 1 interface port in the software.
The positions of the Dip switches in the cable entrance area are not relevant
for this interface.
KeTop T50VGA
© KEBA 2009
User's Manual V1.50