If personnel protection is required during installation of the
system, suitable protective devices must be used for drive
Installations which include drive converter shall be equipped with additional control and
protective devices in accordance with the relevant applicable safety requirements, e.g.
act respecting technical equipment, accident prevention rules etc. They must always be
complied with, also for drive converter bearing a CE marking.
1.4.1 EMc-compatible installation
Observance of the limit values required by EMC law is the responsibility of the manufac-
turer of the installation or machine.
Notes on EMC-compatible installation can be found here.
1.4.2 Voltage test
Testing with AC voltage (in accordance with
Chapter 18.4) may not be ex-
ecuted, since there is danger for the power semiconductors in the drive converter.
Because of the noise suppression capacitors the test generator will immedi-
ately trigger with current error.
Accordng to
it is permissible to disconnect already tested com-
ponents. Drive converters of the KEB Automation KG are delivered ex works
voltage tested to 100% according to product standard.
1.4.3 Insulation measurement
An insulation measurement (in accordance with
chapter 18.3) with DC
500 V is permissible, if all power unit connections (grid-connected potential) and all con-
trol connections are bridged with PE. At any unit it can be expected with an insulating
resistance > 5 MΩ !