Insert the lock mechanism (D) into the mast bracket (C).
Close the lock with the front cover (E) and the Two M5 screws (F) secured with Loctite.
Halyard connection.
Splice your halyard and fit it into the male part (G). The splice should feature a max diameter of 9.5mm.
Insert the 6mm pin into the splice and secure it with the Two M3 screws with Loctite.
The systems is activated and deactivated with the same halyard.
To facilitate the engagement and disengagement of the locking mechanism, the male part needs a 2-3cm slack to go
up and down the female part.
Please note that if the luff of the sail is tensioned when the locking mechanism is being engaged, the locking
mechanism could be partially activated only and result to damage or failure of the internal halyard lock.