Karmann Ghia 1956 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание Ghia 1956

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Страница 2: ...7 C t5 e 7 y oc mT v q po yt v Jo t t zYe3r ...

Страница 3: ...ce 3 Driver s Conlrols 5 Operolinglnslruclions 7 Proclicol Driving 18 WinlerService 23 Lubricolion 26 Wheels ond Tires 34 CoreollheCor 35 Moinlenonce 41 Generol Descriplion 57 Technicol Dolo 61 LubricolionChorl 65 MoinlenonceChorf 66 lndex 67 ...

Страница 4: ...r ...

Страница 5: ...o moinloin mqximum elliciency we eorneslly recommend ro lollow rhe recommendolions sel lorlh in lhe ensuing poges The inlimole knowledge obloined in sludying lhis monuol will prove of greol volue in deriving lhe urmosr service ond enjoymenl lrom your cor Regulor qllenlion lo proper lubricolion ond moinlenonce ol your cor is essenliol An exlensive nelwork ol VW service slolions is ovoiloble ond you...

Страница 6: ...10 11 t2 13 14 ...

Страница 7: ... Worning lighl yssn Oil pressure 9 Worning lighl Red Direclion indicolors 7 Clock electricolly driven ll Heodlighldimmerswilch 19 Accelerolorpedol 22 Broke pedol 21 Clulch pedol 20 Doorinnerhondle t6 Heodlight ond inslrumenl lighl swilch 14 Windshield wiper swilch 13 Chokeconlrol 4 Clock resel knob 12 Combined ignilion ond slorling swilch 3 Fresh oirvenlilolorconlrol 1 Geor lever 24 Fuel lop 23 Ho...

Страница 8: ...e ldenlilicotion Plole is lound lo the righl o lhe sPore wheel underneolh lhe lronl hood The Chqssis Number is slomped on lhe lrome lunnel underneolh the emergency seols The Engine Number is slomped on lhe generolor supporl Only one key is required lo unlock lhe door lurn on lhe ignilion ond operole lhe slorling molor ll is odvisoble lo record lhe key number so lhol you con order duplicoles lrom y...

Страница 9: ...ow lhe lower mork To moke on occurole check il is besl lo wipe lhe dipslick wilh o cleon rog before Should il become necessory lo lop up pleose remember lhe Iollowing hinls Mosl oils morkeled ol presenl conloin chemicol ingredienls lo improve lheir lubricoling quolilies However oils ol dillerenl origin behove dilferenlly when used os engine lubriconls ond should lherelore nol be mixed Selecl o HD ...

Страница 10: ...os r copocily ol 40 lilers 10 5 U S goll 8 8 lmp 9oll sul icienl lor o drive of well over 500 kilomelers 300 miles Under normol condilions lhe luel lop should be sel ol posilion 1 while lhe cor is in operolion l lhe molor begins lo sluller os o resull ol lock ol luel jusl lurn lhe lop 1o 2 A luel reserve of 5 lilers t 3 US goll 1 1 lmp 9oll will lhen losl lor o lurlher drive o oboul 70 kilomelers ...

Страница 11: ...lly depend on lheir condilion Moinloining correcl lire pressure ond ovoid ing driving obuses ore lhe mosl imporlonl loclors in obloining moximum lire lile Moke sure lhe lires ore correclly infloled ol leosl once o week using o relioble lire gouge Keep lhe pressures belween 1 1 ond 1 2 kg lsq cm 1 6 ond 17 lbs sq in in lhe Ironl lires belween 1 4 ond l 6 kg sq cm 20 ond 23 lbs sq in in lhe reor lir...

Страница 12: ...e lighl enlirely When checking lhe lighling syslem do nol orgel lhe lwo slop lighls which should lighl up when depressing lhe broke pedol wilh the igniiion lurned on Storling the Engine is eosy becouse you ore now lomilior with lhe vorious conlrols ond inslrumenls However moke sure lhol lhe geor lever is in neulrol posilion be ore slorling lhe engine The ignilion key slorling enobles you lo slorl ...

Страница 13: ...rmirs o quick moving of wilhour ony delrimenl lo lhe engine Neirher wiil horm be done ro lhe engine when you drive or o longer period in dense cily lro lic wilh lhe choke pulled oul holl woy As the engine otoins operoring remperorure you wiil norice on increose in rhe idling speed Ar rhe some time groduoily push rhe choke conrror knob ruily home This posilion musl be reoched berore you moke use of...

Страница 14: ... groduolly ond ogoin slep on lhe qccelerotor pedol You now know how to shilt geors ond moy ol will shi l lo lhird ond lourlh posilions You will hove noliced by now lhol the occelerolor ond clulch pedols ore operoled simulloneously but in opposile direclions ll is lhe coordinolion ol lhese simulloneous operolions lhol brings skill in shilling geors To engoge lhe reverle geol lirsl press down lhe ge...

Страница 15: ...n neulrol porilion 3 Releore clurch pedol ond depress qcceleroror pedol or rhe some rime rhe omounr ol lhis inlermediole leeding ol gos dependr on the speed ol lhe cor 4 Depress clulch pedol qnd thill lo lirst geor 5 Releose clulch pedol sleodily ond ol lhe some lime step on sccelerolor pedol Under no circumslonces should you be o roid lo shift lo lower geor or lry lo ovoid shifling occosionolly b...

Страница 16: ...nding grodes Slopping lhe Cqr Toke your lool oll ihe occelerolor pedol ond operole lhe brokes genlly Shorlly belore lhe cor comes lo o lull stop depress lhe clulch pedol ploce lhe georshilt lever in neulrol posilion ond releose clulch pedol ogoin The engine conlinues lo idle ll you wish lo lurn oll lhe engine merely swilch lhe ignilion key lo lhe lell The Fronl Seqts ollow on odjuslmenl lo suil in...

Страница 17: ... lhrough lhe lwo defrosler venls ol the windshield Eoch ol lhe lwo venlilolors is equipped wilh o rolory knob below lhe inslrumenl ponel lo permil on individuol regulolion of eilher oir low Turn knob onliclockwise lo open To close venlilolor lighl lurn knob fully clockwise 1 To open 2 To close By lurning on heoling oddilionolly reguloled ond venlilolors ol lhe by ventilolor openings 15 ...

Страница 18: ...elely lifled oul wherr slighlly pulling up lhe reloining spring fhe lnlerior Lomp is oulomolicolly operoled by opening or closing eilher ol lhe doors As on odded convenience lhe lomp moy be operoled by lhe monuol lhree posilion swilch in corporoled in lhe lomp filling Posilions ol swilch Upper On lnlermediole O l t L I I Lower Door conlocts This ollows lhe lighl lo be lurned o wilh lhe doors open ...

Страница 19: ... il lhe hood becomes occidenlolly unlocked Ihe Jqck is secured in posilion odjocenl lo lhe spore wheer by meons of o quick releose clomping slrcrp Also occommodoled under lhe fronr hood ore lhe rools ond lhe spore Ion bell The Reqr Hood Lock is releosed when pulling ol lhe knob below lhe emergency seol bench Bolonce springs hold lhe hood in lhe open posilion To lock lower hood ond press down on re...

Страница 20: ...our driving hobil Moximum solisloclion in lhe running ol your cor will be ossured by lollowing lhe lundomenlol rules lor driving on oulomobile Do not unnecessorily roce lhe engine no moller whelher lhe cor i5 slolionoly or in molion The new engine is nol governed There ore il is good proclice lo glonce ol lhe speedomeler hond lrom lime 1o lime The moximum permissible speeds in lhe geors ore morked...

Страница 21: ...e occeleroror pump eoch lime rhe occererolor pedor is depressed resulls in o morked increose in lhe overoll Iuel consumplion Operole your cor smoothty ond flexibly bolh when driving in ciry rrorric ond on moin roods Adopt lhe speed or rhe cqr lo prevoiling rocrd ond lrollic condilions A good driver occeleroles lhe cor moderofely slows down in lime ond ulilizes lhe broking power ol lhe engine Moke ...

Страница 22: ...ling ir dirrupted ond lhe generolor no longer chorge3 Oil Pressure Green Lighl The oil pressure o your cor is os imporlonl os lhe oil level which you hove olreody checked When lhe ignilion is lurned on lhe Green Oil Pressure Lomp will lighl up The lighl should go oul when lhe engine is slorled ond lhe oil pressure increoses Coulion Should lhe lighl sloy on during lhe ride lhe chonces ore thol the ...

Страница 23: ... olher vehicles wirh considerorion Arwoys be sure rhor rhe rood is creor oheod ol you ond look our ror cors opprooching you rom the opposire direcrion A briel look in your reor view mirror will rell y ou whelher onorher cor is obour lo poss ycu lrom behind And here is onorher worning Never rry ro poss o cor when opprooching o curve where vision is nol creor ond never poss o vehicre or lhe cresl ol...

Страница 24: ...re il is odvisoble lo engoge lirsl or reverse g o in oddilion lo lhe hond broke And do nol lorgel lo loke lhe key oul of lhe ignilion swilch belore you leove your corl Do nol lorgel lo shul lhe luel lop when porking on o grode wilh lhe reor end ol lhe cor downwords Prior lo locking the lell hond door secure lhe righl door by pushing lhe inside door hondle forword The venl wing hondle is locted by ...

Страница 25: ...ess lhol your cor hos ro srond in winrer b orr or rrosl ond dompness con be eosily deoll wilh if you observe rhe recommendorions presenred in rhis secrion Never otempr ro influence rhe cooring ond heoting or your cor in winrer by covering lho oir inloke rlols below lhe reor window This would be hormfur ro rhe engine os rhe drowing in or fresh oir ror rhe cor burelor ond lhe heoring wourd be seriou...

Страница 26: ...km 1500 miles using lhe righl HD oil lor Service MS ln lhe wormer seoson oil chonges in oddition lo those loid down in lhe Lubricolionchorl ore unnecessory ond uneconomicol ln lerrilories where exceplionolly low lemperolures prevoil orclic climole il is recommended lo use SAE 5W engine oil which should be chonged every 1250 km 800 miles Tronsmission Lubricqnl SAE 90 geor lubriconl is recommended l...

Страница 27: ...ove lhe non skid choins odjusled lo the wheels il you wish lo ovoid loss of lime ond inconveniences lorer on when driving on long slrerches lhol ore lree from snow rhe choins should be removed lo prevenl excessive weor ol bolh choins ond lires The Bollery hos lo meel higher requiremenls in winler lhon in wormer seosons due lo lhe increosed consumplion of currenl when slorling engine ond using lhe ...

Страница 28: ...oklel mokes il possible lor you lo hove your cor lubricoled ol VW workshops by skilled honds wilh lhe besl ovoiloble lubriconls ol o low cosl ond in o minimum ol lime Your reolly connol ollord lo miss lhis opporlunilv Engine Oil Chonge The chonge o oil ol prescribed inlervols is necessory even il lhe very besl lrode mork oils ore used Diluled ond dirly oil in your engine simply meons o greoler slr...

Страница 29: ...o so cored ushing o r o u n kerosene shourd be used lor flushing lhe engine The residue of rh e frushing ogenr which wourd remoin in lhe cronkcose ond especiolly in lhe oil cooler is lioble lo decreose lhe lubricol ing elliciency ol lhe lresh oil Never ollow o hophozord chonging lrom HD oil lo Regulor oil ond vice versu The Oil Slrqiner relqins loreign moller ond should be loken oul ond cleoned os...

Страница 30: ...horl Upper lubriconls ond olher ogenls os colloidol grophile elc should never be odded to HD oil Chonging lrom one Type ol Oil to Anolher lf possible HD lype oils or Service MS should be used lor oll new VW engines righl lrom lhe beginning ll or ony reoson lhe engine hos operoled wilh Regulor engine oil lor o longer period lhe lollowing should be heeded when chonging lo HD oil ll engine hos run mo...

Страница 31: ...perolures rise obove lreezing poinf A chonge of oil is lherelore nol necessory unlil lhe nexl g rlo mileoge intervol saE 5 w This exlremely lighl engine oil is lor use in orclic climoles only Aporr from the oirs menrioned obove rhere ore so cored murli grode oirs These oils cover lhe ronge ol severol SAE grodes for exomple SAE 10W 20 ond 30 f ri i 11 o SAE t0 W 20 ensine oii o rd bl suitobte both ...

Страница 32: ...il The oil level should be checked in occordonce wilh lhe Lubricolion chorl Keep the lubriconl level somewhol below lhe edge ol lhe liller hole ln order lo moinloin lhe choroclerislics ol lhe geor oil il should nol be mixed wilh ony olher oil os lhe lwo will nol blend Sleering Geor The sleering ossembly should be lubricoled wilh geor oil exclusively ond under no circumslonces wilh greose or hypoid...

Страница 33: ...ubri colion poinl ll lhe cor is driven moinly over rough roods we recommend ro rubricore rorsion orm links ond ouler lie rod ends or more rrequenr inrervors soy every r 250 km 800 miles The Front Wheel Beorings ore sullicienlly provided wirh greose orreody or rhe rocrory The cops on rhe rronr wheel hubs musl be lree from greose Al inlervols ol 25000 km l 5000 miles lhe lronl wheel beorings ore lo ...

Страница 34: ...nserl key ond move il bqck ond lorlh severol limes Window Regulolors The window regulolor is occessible lor lubricolion oller lhe hondles lhe lrim ponel ond the glued in clolh lining hove been loken olf Press down lhe esculcheon ploles push oul lhe pins ond loke oll the hondles The lrim ponel is held by snop fosleners Geors ond ioinls o lhe window regulolors should be omply greosed if ound necesso...

Страница 35: ...uld lhe geor lever require lubricorion rhis con be done with ihe lever removed Remove lhe lwo screws rhor oftoch rhe lever dome lo rhe rrome runnel ond rifi olf lever dome ond spring os o unil The conlocl surloces in lever dome or srop prore ond rever boil sockel shourd be omply provided wilh universol greose When insloIing srop prore moke sure rhor lhe lurned up edge is on lhe righl hond side All...

Страница 36: ...lires hove been repoired When lhe lires ore being mounled lhe red mork on lhe sidewoll should be oligned wilh lhe volve lo insure beller boloncing of lube ond lire Chonging Wheels To chonge o wheel on lhe rood ond in lhe roin cerloinly is nol o pleosonl fosk However il will no longer be so dillicull lor you oller you hove reod lhese lew lines which will leoch you how lo go oboul it properly Undern...

Страница 37: ... hond unlil lhe remoining holes in lhe wheel ond broke drum coincide l0 lnserl lhe remoining bolts until lhe coun lersunk heods resl cenlricolly in lhe corres ponding recesses ol lhe disc wheel 11 Tighlen oll bolls diomelricolly opposile in lurn 12 Ploce one end ol lhe lock operoling rod belween lhe lwo noses ol lhe poinl morked ob ond opply o lighl pressure on lhe opposile end of lhe rod lo lower...

Страница 38: ...lully blended lo obloin lhe mosl beoulilul shodes you will reolize lhe imporlonce ol the poinl linish i you consider thol it is exposed lo lhe elemenls il hos lo resisl dozzling sunshine roin dusl ond dirl Thol is why o periodic core ol the body is necessory lo relord ony disinlegroling process Woshing Your Cor Wosh your new cor lrequenlly during lhe firsl weeks This proclice will be ol greol od r...

Страница 39: ...e troces ol woler Preservolion meons lo reslore cerroin greosy subsronces which hove been removed lrom rhe inish by weqlher inlluences As the greosy subsronces ore virolly imporlonr lo rhe eloslicily ol the finish ir is necessory to oppry o protecrive worer repeilenr cool of wox lo lhe body The inlensive creoning effecr o rhe shompoo removes rhis proleclive cooling so rhor ii should be renewed occ...

Страница 40: ... is reslored Do nol opply the polish on loo lorge on oreo ol lhe body ol o lime A subsequenl opplicolion ol the preservolive gives you core free pride irr your cor lor o long lime Nevet wosh 01 Polish lhe cqr in sunlighl or when the melol is worm How lo Remove SPols By o mere woshing you connol olwoys remove sploshes ol lor oil lroces bokec on insecls elc As o moller ol principle such loreign moll...

Страница 41: ...bloined by lhe use ol o soll whisk broom ond o suds ol lukeworm woler roin woler boiled or sofl woler ond ony mild soop coslile or olive oil bose soops Use lhe woler sporingly lhe upholslery olherwise requires o long lime lo dry il woler lrickles lhrough lhe seom slilches Aller compleling lhe cleoning operorion use o creon soll clolh lo polish lhe surloce ol lhe leolher Corelully lreol lhe upholsl...

Страница 42: ...lion il is recommended lo opply o lighl cooling of powdered lolc lo oll rubber porls rom lime lo lime Airing the lnlerior ll lhe cor is lell slolionory lor o longer period in your goroge ollenlion should be poid lo lhe oiring condilions Permil oir lo circutole lreely lhrough lhe body by opening lhe doors ond lowering lhe windows lo prevenl o lorming ol mould ond domp sloins 40 ...

Страница 43: ...given experl lreol menl by lhose fomilior wilh ils conslruclion This will sove you lime inconvenience ond money Servicing Air Cleqner The oir cleoner Iillers porlicles ol dirl ond qrir lrom rhe oir used for combuslion Regulor servicing ol inlervols ol 5000 km 3000 miles is especiolly imporlonl in dusly oreos A dirly oir cleoner is responsible lor lriclionol weor decreosing operoling efliciency ond...

Страница 44: ...emolure weor by more ltequenlly servicing the oir cleoner thon specilied obove Air creoner service is overdue ir rhere ir no rhin oil obove rhe sludge ond dirt thqi hos occumulqled n lhe lluid reservoir Adiusling the Fon Bell To od jusl lhe lon bell remove nul When loosening or lighlening nul inserl inner hol ol the pulley ond supporl il The odjuslmenl ol lhe lon belt len sion is ellecled bY meons...

Страница 45: ...l 4 Lift the corburelor bowl cover ond tilf it bock For lhe complete rernovol o the corburelor bowl cover lhe choke con lrol coble ond lhe lhrollle conneclor rod rnusl be disconnected To reossenrble lhe unil proceed in reverse order lnsloll o new goskel ond be sure ol its proper posilion belween bowl ond bowl cover 5 Volume conlrol screw 6 Poppel volve 7 Goskel 8 Air correclion jel 1 lr 13 9 Pump ...

Страница 46: ...slorling excessiveluelconsumplionorunsolisloclory engine perlormonce Only the idling ol lhe engine moy coll lor o reodiuslmenl occosionolly Belore ollempling to odiusl the corbulelor moke 3u1e the enEine is ol normql operqting lemperolure 1 Turnlhevolumeconlrolscrewinunlililseolslighlly lhenbockilo opproximolelY t r lurn 2 Turn the idling odjusling screw in or oul unlil lhe opproximole idling spee...

Страница 47: ...en lhe engine worms up For lhis reoson only odiu3t volye cleoronce when lhe engine is cold The orrongemenl of lhe cylinders con be seen by rhe numbers r lo 4 indenled in lhe cover ploles Volve odjuslmenl moy be mode in lhe lollowinq sequence lst fnd 3rd 4th cyli nder Adlusl lhe volves when lhe pislon o rhe corresponding cyrinder is in lop deod cenler posilion ol lhe compression slroke slorling wil...

Страница 48: ... o 0 6 0 7 mm 024 028 Check lhe eleclrode gop 0 6_0 7 mm 024 _ 028 ond resel il necessory by bending lhe ouler eleclrode Look lor o Proper goskel belore instolling the plug Gen rolly speoking you moy counl on o service lile ol lhe spork plugs up lo l 5000 km 9300 miles lgnition qnd Timing porliculor ollention should be olloched lo lhe imporlonce ol correcl ignilion limin9 The engine operolion will...

Страница 49: ... lhe dislribulor rolor orm is in lhe posilion lor liring on lhe No 1 cylinder see mork on rim ol dislribulor bose Loosen lhe lock screw below lhe dislribulor bose ond rolole lhe dislribulor body clockwise unlil lhe conlocl poinls ore closed Now swilch on lhe ignilion ond rolole lhe dislribulor slowly counler clockwise unlil lhe conlocl poinls jusl mork lo open This moy be seen ond heord lor o spor...

Страница 50: ...nition coil l5 Lighting wilch 58 Toil li9hl righl Toil lighl lell Porking lighl lell Heodlighl dimmer wildt Heodlighl high beom right Fuse box on lhe bqdr ol lhe inslrument ponel lgnilion slorling switch 30 Heodlighl conlrol Heodlighl high beom lefl HH rnre y Conneclor ond luse on lhe bqdt ol the inslrumenl Pqnel Fuse box odiocenl lo the luel lqnk ...

Страница 51: ... Under no circumslonces should you use o luse polched up wilh lin loil or wire becouse lhis moy resull in severe domoge We suggesl lhol you corry wilh you o sel ol spore luses 8 15 omp Heodlight Bulb Replocemenl Remove lhe slolled screw ol lhe bollom ol lhe lronl rim ond unhook lhe rim lrom lhe lop engogemenl lor removol Loosen lhe lixing screw ol lhe bollom ol lhe light unil rim ond pull oul lhe ...

Страница 52: ...xoclly belu een the two cross nrorks 4 Switch on the upper country beoms ond check lhe beonrs ol lhe cross nrorks 5 Remove lhe slolled screw ol lhe bollom ol the front rim ond unhook the rirl lrorn lhe lop engogemenl or removol 6 lndependent odjuslmenl of bolh horizonlol ond verlicol oim is provrded with the odjustmenl screws in the heodlighl unil rinr Verlicol Adiuslment Turn lower screw 1 1 a r ...

Страница 53: ... lhe lwo combined loil stopiindicotor lighls in lhe reor wings remove lhe slolled screws ond loke oll lhe lenses Be sure lhe bulbs moke per ecl conlocl in lheir sockels Worning ond lnsllumenl Lighl Bulb Replccemenl The worning lomps lor oil pressure gene rolor chorging direclion indicolor ond heodlighl moin beom os well os lhe speedomeler lomps ore occessible by lilting the ronl hood ond removing ...

Страница 54: ...l the bollery is in good operoling condilion ond oble lo provide lhe necessory currenl The voltoge ol eoch cell should nol loll below 1 5 volls while loking lhe reoding 1 0 1 5 seconds olherwise the cell is dischorged or deleclive Under no lood condilions eoch chorged cell should reod 2 0 volls Eleclrolyle Level Add dislilled woler lo eoch cell lo bring lhe level lo opproximolely l 5 mm 59 obove l...

Страница 55: ... lhe syslem The presence ol oir will couse spongy broke pedol operolion 1 Remove rubber cop ol lhe bleeder volve ol one wheel cylinder ond olloch one end ol lhe broke bleeder hose lo lhe volve 2 Ploce lhe opposile end ol lhe bleeder hose in o gloss conloiner porlly lilled wilh broke fluid so lhol lhe end ol lhe hose is submerged 3 Turn lhe bleeder volve lo lhe open posilion 1 2 lurns 4 Pump lhe br...

Страница 56: ...es need odiusl menl This odjuslmenl will usuolly compensole lor such weor lhol will loke ploce unlil relining ol lhe shoes is required 1 Jock up oll wheels cleor olf lhe lloor Turn lorword lhe wheel lo be odjusled until lhe hole in lhe broke drum is in line wilh one ol lhe odjusting nuls 2 lnserl o screwdriver through lhe hole ond lurn lhe odjusling nul in lhe direclion indicole l by lhe orrow usi...

Страница 57: ...g el ecl Al lhe lourth nolch il should be impossible lo lurn lhe wheels by hond Sleering Geor The need for odjuslmenl will be evidenced by lhe development ol excess lree ploy in lhe sleering wheel The ploy should be os smoll os possibler bul core musl be loken lo ollow lhe fronl wheels lo resume lheir slroighf oheod posilion oulomolicolly oller lhe cor hos compleled o lurn As speciol ex perience i...

Страница 58: ...vice provides lhe regulor odjuslment ol lhe lorsion orm link pins on lhe fronl oxle Aller lhis operolion il is obsolulely necessofy lo check lhe loe in o lhe lronl wheels Fronl Wheel Beotings The lronl wheel beorings will occosionolly require odiuslmenl we recommend lo reler lhis operolion lo on Aulhorized vw service slolion os mol odiuslmenl moy couse severe domoge lo lhe beorings ll circumslonce...

Страница 59: ...ilions The oil pump ol the lull pressure lubricolion is driven by lhe comsholl ond sucks lhe oil lrom lhe cronkcose bollom lhrough o slroiner lrom where il will reoch lhe poinls ol lubricolion vio on oil cooler ln cold weolher when lhe oil is ol higher viscosily on oil pressure reliel volve mokes il possible lor lhe engine lo be lubri coled direclly lhot is by ovoiding the oil cooling syslem The o...

Страница 60: ... 5 Connecling Rod 6 Pislon 7 Cylinder 8 Cylinder Heod 9 Volve Push Rod 10 Rocker Arm 1l Volve 12 Oil Slroiner 13 Oil Pump 14 Oil Cooler l 5 Fon Housing 16 Fon 17 Throllle Ring 18 Thermoslol 19 Corburelor 20 lnloke Monilold 21 Generolor 22 Spork Plug 23 Oil Droin Plug ...

Страница 61: ...de Geor 11 5 Dillerentiol Pinion 12 6 Reor Axle Sho l 13 7 Fulcrum Plole 14 1 t Speed 2nd Speed 3 d Speed 4lh Speed Tronsmission Shifl Rod Seleclor Sholl Seleclor Fork 15 Delenl Boll ond Spring 16 Clulch Releose Beoring 17 Clulch Operoling Sho l 1B Oil Filler Plug 19 Oil Droin Plug 20 Ground Slrop ...

Страница 62: ...reor prevenl excessive rebound Brqkes The cor is equipped wilh o direcl ocling hydroulic broke operoling on oll wheels Body The lwo door body hoving lhe sweeping lines ol o ponloon is mode up ol pressed sleel ponels eleclricolly welded logelher The wings ore welded lo lhe body The doors conlqin window regulolor mechonisms The lronl seols ond lhe roke of lheir bockresls ore odjusloble lo suil indiv...

Страница 63: ...of cor Horizonlolly opposed Flol Four 77 mm 3 031 64 mm 2 520 1192 c c 6 6 lnloke 0 1 0 mm 004 Exhousl 0 10 mm 004 lo be odjusled when Engine is cold 36 ol 3700 R P M Force Feed Geor Pump wilh Oil Cooler Melric 2 5 lilers U S 5 3 pinls l p 4 4 pinls Diophrogm Type Down Droll Type Solex 28 PCI Air Cooling by Fon Thermoslol conlrol led 6 Volls 65 Ampere Hours Eleclric 6 Volls 4 HP Volloge reguloled ...

Страница 64: ...nsmilled lhrough spirol drive pinion ond ring geor vio lwo swinging oxles lo lhe reor wheels Rolio Oil Copocily ol Tronsmission ond Reor Axle Chossis Fronl Suspension Reor Suspension Shock Absorbers Sleering Turns ol Sleering Wheel Lock lo Lock Turning Circle Wheels Tires 62 Single Disc dry 10 lo 20 mm f 1 4 4 1 Melric 2 5 lilers U S 5 3 pinls l p 4 4 pinls Two Lominoled Torsion Bors Possing lhrou...

Страница 65: ...ll 10 5 in Fronl 1290 mm 4 fl 3 in Reor 1 250 mm 4 ll 1 2 in l I lo 3 mm 0 04 in lo 0 12 in Hydroulic Broke Operoling on AllWheels Mechonicol Operoling on Reor Wheels 414A mm 163 153O mm 64 2 1325 mm 52 2 172 mm 6 8 79o ks 1742 lbs 810 k9 1786 lbs 300 ks 661 lbs 1 1 10 kg 2447 lbs Fronl 450 ks 992 lbs Reor 660 kg 1455 lbs Melric 7 5 lilers per 100 km U S 32 miles per gollon l p 38 miles per gollon...

Страница 66: ... i 1r ti il l l li il i l 1i i 0 1 i iai t 1 L _ i i ll fi 1 1 hi j I l Ei F h r 1 n tdt Fi tri tr _ f ...

Страница 67: ...Lubricolion poinls Engine corburelor conlrols door hinges com beoring in disiribulor Tronsmission cose sieering geor Fronl oxle lie rod ends lronl wheel beorings broke cobles pedol clusler beoring geor lever bteoker orm liber block hood locks Every M F p 2500 km F 1500 miles M M G o F F M F F G F M 5OOO km 3OOO miles 25OOO km 15OOO miles 5pecilicolions Temperolure CF obove 30 I 86 SAE 30 from 0 I ...

Страница 68: ...nd comPression Check lront wheel beorings lronl suspension sleering ond loe in Check lire pressures ond lighlen wheel bolls From 5000 km 3000 miles onwords rofqle lires Tesl brqkes Check lighlness ond elfecl of shock qbsorbers Check clulch pedol cleoronce Cool weolher lrips for doors ond windows wilh powdered lolc Check oulomolic cooling oir conlrol 10000 km 6000 miles lnspect reor oxle ond engine...

Страница 69: ...hill 14 Economy 19 Emergency seolr boclresl 15 Engine compression rolio 6l descriplion 57 design 6l lubricolion oil chonge 26 Poqe Engine number 6 oil chonge in winler 2 1 oil level 7 oif slroiner 27 speed 6l seclionol view 58 lechnicol dqlo 6l lype ol oil 28 Fon bell odjusling 42 checking lension 8 Fool broke odjusting 53 Fresh oir venlilolors 15 Fronl oxle descriplion 60 lubricqlion 3 l lechnicq...

Страница 70: ...leering odjurling 55 lubricotion 30 lype 62 poge Sleering wheel 5 lurns from lock lo lock 62 Slop liqht bulb replocemenl 5l checking l0 Slopping lhe cor generolly 14 lempororily 21 Suspension Ironl 62 _ reor 62 Ioil lighl replocing bulb Technicql doto 6l Tires inllolion pressure 9153 moinlenonce 34 M l Slires 25 size 62 weor 34 Toe in of fronl wheels 63 Tools ond occessories lll Trock lreod 63 Tro...

Страница 71: ...Disc Boll ond Fon Pulley Nut Sockel Wrendr l4 mm Rod for Sockel Wrendr ond Jock The monuloclurer resErves lhe righl lo moke ony chonges in or improvemenls on ils producls wilhoul imposing ony liobilily or obligolion upon ilsell to insloll lhem on ils producls previously monufoclured All righls reserved in occordonce with the low ol copyrighl t 1 7 s6 BGK242E 3 5 Prinled in Oermony by Limboch Bruns...

Страница 72: ......
