NanoParticle Nebulizer: Operation
Liquid NanoParticle Sizer User Guide
Version 1.0.1
away from the work area using flexible tubing. To vent the exhaust, follow
these instructions:
Push one end of a length of flexible tubing compatible with n-Butanol
onto the
outlet fitting on the back panel.
Place the other end of the tubing into a vent hood.
Connecting Make-Up Air
The Fast CPC can be operated in two flow modes. In the high-flow mode the
instrument samples at a rate of 1.5 L/min and in the low-flow mode it
samples at a rate of 600 ccm. To maintain a consistent flow when operating in
low-flow mode, make-up air is drawn in through the
Make-up Air
inlet at
900 ccm.
Do not connect the fitting to this port while operating in the high
flow mode.
To connect the make-up air supply, follow these instructions:
Insert one end of the supplied
LNS Transport Flow Coupler
with Quick
Disconnect 1/8 in barbed tube into the
Make-Up Air
port on Fast CPC,
and the other into the
Transport Flow
port on AFIMC.
Exhaust outlet