KANNAD 406 AF / AF-H / AF (6D)
PAGE: 601
JUN 23/2008
1. Maintenance Schedule
A. Periodic inspection
Note: (if required by the relevant Civil Aviation Authority).
Some Civil Aviation Authorities may require the ELT is tested periodically. In
this case, KANNAD recommends to check the following parameters:
• Battery voltage.
• 121.5 MHz / 243.0 MHz / 406.025 MHz transmission power.
• 121.5 MHz / 243.0 MHz / 406.025 MHz frequency.
• VCO lock.
• 121.5 MHz AM decoding (sweep monitoring with VHF receiver).
• Number of 406 MHz transmissions (optional, programming kit required).
• Number of self-tests carried out (optional, programming kit required).
• Programmed data (optional, programming kit required).
NOTE: This functioning check can be carried out without opening the
B. Every 6 years
Testing of the various elements of the ELT is mandatory every 6 years together
with the battery replacement.
• Visual control of the housing and accessories
Refer to CMM 25-63-01.
• O-ring, battery and desiccant capsule replacement
Refer to CMM 25-63-01.
• Beacon Tightness
CMM 25-63-01.
• "Testing and Fault Isolation" procedure as described in CMM 25-63-01.
Periodic inspection and battery replacement can only be carried out by
an accredited PART or FAR 145 maintenance station with valid
agreement for KANNAD ELT maintenance.