Portable laptop stand
Ergonomic design for easy laptop access
Designed for musicians and DJs
Will also support FX or lighting controller
Allows airflow around laptop that prevents overheating
Extensions included for most sizes of laptop
Adjustable height and width
Removable and adjustable second shelf
Secondary shelf for outboard FX units, keyboards, etc
M A N U A L V E R S I O N 1 . 0
For the latest instruction manual updates and information on the entire Kam range visit:
Kam products are manufactured by:
Lamba plc
, Unit 1, Southfields Road, Dunstable, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom LU6 3EJ
Telephone: (+44) (
1582 690600
• Fax: (+44) (
1582 690400
• Email: [email protected] • Web: www.lambaplc.com
If this product is ever no longer functional please take it to a recycling plant for environmentally friendly disposal.
Due to continuous product development, specifications and appearance are subject to change.
© Copyright Lamba plc 2010. E&OE.