About this Document
Technical Manual
04045524 - 08/2016
Kaba access manager 92 32
Orientation in the document
This document contains the following orientation aids to facilitate finding of specific
The table of contents at the beginning of the manual gives an overview of all
The header always contains the respective main chapter.
Cross references always indicate the number of the chapter in which the supple-
mentary information can be found. Example [ 5.7].
An index in the alphabetical order is given at the end of the manual.
Complementary documents
The planning guid
"exivo" contains details on the optimum use of the device.
Supplementary documentation is available on the Kaba website. The technical man-
uals are located in a secured area of the website.
Access is only possible after logging in.
An account will need to be created before logging in for the first time.
Access and login:
1. In the browser, access the Kaba page http://www.kaba.com.
2. Select the language in the top right.
3. Under "Products", select the "Access Management" or "Workforce Management"
product division.
4. In the top right section of the screen, click on the following symbol:
5. Enter your e-mail address and password and login or create an account (see be-
The technical manuals can be found under "Downloads".
Create account:
1. Click "Create account".
2. Complete the data fields and confirm.
A confirmation link will be sent to your e-mail address.
3. To activate your account, click on the confirmation link in your e-mail.