multiple modules.
The PCI/PXI-69816/26/46 include a precision on-board reference with very low temperature
drift. This feature not only provides a stable calibration source for auto-calibration but also
maintains stable acquisition accuracy over a wide temperature range. The automated
calibration process can be done through software without need for any manually
adjustments. Once the calibration process has completed, the calibration information will
be stored in the on-board EEPROM so that the values can be loaded and used as needed
by the board.
1�1 Features
• 3U Eurocard form factor (PXI version)
• Standard height, half-length PCI form factor (PCI version)
• Support 5 V and 3.3 V PCI signaling
• Support 32-bit / 66 MHz PCI interface
• 4 channels simultaneous single-ended analog input
• 16-bit high resolution ADC
• Up to 10 MS/s, 20 MS/s and 40 MS/s per channel
• 512 MB onboard memory for data storage
• Software selectable 50 Ω or 1 MΩ input impedance
• Programmable input voltage range: ±0.2V/±1V or ±1V/±5V
• 5 MHz, 10 MHz and 20 MHz analog input bandwidth for PCI/PXI-69816, PCI/PXI-
69826 and PCI/PXI-69846, respectively
• Multiple modules synchronization through PXI trigger bus
• Support scatter gather DMA transfer
• Fully auto calibration
• 90 dBc SFDR, 79 dBc SINAD and 12.8-bit ENOB (PXI-69816)
1�2 Applications
• Software radio/wireless communication
• Ultrasound
• Imaging