1 Introduction
The JYTEK PCI/PXI-69816/26/46 are 10 MS/s, 20 MS/s, and 40 MS/s sampling 16-bit 4-CH
digitizers designed for digitizing high frequency and wide dynamic range signals with an
input frequency up to 20 MHz. The analog input range can be programmed via software
to ±1 V or ±0.2 V. With deep onboard acquisition memory up to 512 MB, the PCI/PXI-
69816/26/46 are not limited by the data transfer rate of the PCI bus to enable the recording
of waveforms for extended periods of time.
The PCI/PXI-69816/26/46 are equipped with four high linearity 16bit A/D converters ideal
for demanding applications with a high dynamic range such as radar, ultrasound, and
software-defined radio.
Analog Input
The PCI/PXI-69816/26/46 each feature four analog input channels. The bandwidth of each
channel can be up to 5 MHz, 10 MHz, and 20 MHz for PCI/PXI-69816, PCI/PXI-69826, and
PCI/PXI-9846, respectively. The input ranges are software programmable as either ±1 V or
±0.2 V. Software selectable 50 Ω input impedance makes it easy to interface with high-
speed, high-frequency signals.
Acquisition System and On-board Memory
The PCI/PXI-69816/26/46 include four 16-bit A/D converters to digitize the input signals.
These four channels sample signals simultaneously at a maximum sampling rate of 10
MS/s, 20 MS/s, and 40 MS/s, respectively. The PCI/PXI-69816/26/46 supports a total of 512
MB on-board memory. The digitized data is stored in the onboard memory before being
transferred to the host memory. The data transfer is performed using scatter-gather DMA,
which provides a high data throughput rate and uses system memory more effectively.
Flexible Triggering
The PCI/PXI-69816/26/46 feature flexible triggering options such as a software trigger,
external digital trigger, an analog trigger from any of the analog input channels and triggers
from the PXI trigger bus. These versatile trigger sources allow you to configure the PCI/
PXI-69816/26/46 to fit your application needs. Post-trigger, delay-trigger, pre-trigger and
middle-trigger modes are also available to acquire data around the trigger event. The PCI/
PXI-69816/ 26/46 also features repeated trigger acquisition, so you can acquire data in
multiple segments with successive trigger events at extremely short rearming intervals.
Multiple-Module Synchronization
The versatile trigger options provided by the PXI backplane allow the PCI/PXI-69816/26/46
to achieve multi-module synchronization in a simplified way. Utilizing the PXI Trigger bus,
the PCI/PXI-69816/26/46 can output trigger signals and the timebase to the PXI trigger
bus when configured as a master, or receive trigger signals and the timebase from the
PXI trigger bus when configured as a slave. Moreover, when the PCI/PXI-69816/26/46 is
plugged into a peripheral slot of a PXI system, they can also receive triggers or the timebase
from the PXI star trigger controller slot. The precision 10 MHz clock that comes from the
PXI backplane can also be used as one of the timebase sources. Combining these PXI trigger
features with the interface of the PCI/PXI-69816/26/46 makes it very easy to synchronize