1/2" CCD Multi-Purpose Color Camera
1/2-inch Interline Transfer (IT) CCD
Digital Signal Processor (DSP)
Full genlock
Contour correction
ID capability
Three-dimensional Detect ATW
Wide-range Automatic Electronic Shutter
Y/C Output Connectors
Easy Menu-driven Parameter Setting
High-light inverter function
Backlight Compensation
C/CS Mount
AC/DC Power Supply
The digital signal processing (DSP) color IT CCD camera shall be JVC Model TK-C1380U
or equivalent. The TK-C1380U camera shall incorporate a 1/2" interline transfer CCD for
reducing smear, 380,000 [768(H) x 494(V)] effective pixels, achieve a lower smear and high
sensitivity of 0.95 lx at f/1.2. The camera shall display outstanding 470 lines of horizontal
resolution and a S/N ratio of 48dB. The TK-C1380U camera shall feature a built-in digital
motion detector within the compact body. The camera shall also feature intelligent digital
back light compensation with masking and electronic sensitivity-up for real surveillance
purposes under severe conditions. Both the digital motion detector and the back light
compensation features shall utilize a 48 segment mask with an 8-position sensitivity level
adjust. For better picture quality, the camera shall feature selectable DC/video for ALC
lens, digital 2H enhancer, smear level of -120 and digital white detective ATW. The camera
shall be C-/CS-mount selectable. The TK-C1380U shall offer user-friendly on-screen set-
up and adjustment of camera ID, ELC plus many other features. A special menu shall allow
fine adjustment of chrominance, pedestal and aperture level. The TK-C1380U shall provide
a variety of synchronization modes. They shall provide color genlock to help ensure
optimum performance with image processors and screen splitters. They shall also feature
VD2 lock over a single coaxial cable when used with the Matrix Systems and/or data
multiplexing unit. Line lock shall provide roll-free picture switching. The power source for
the TK-C1380U shall be 24V AC, 50/60Hz or 12V DC. All units must be UL listed.