JVC RX-206BK Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание RX-206BK

Страница 1: ...M CqnlrrolCaz rqrnil E30580 1 791A J ForCustomer Use Enter belowtheModelNo andSerial No whicharelocatedeitheron the rear bot tom or sideof thecabinet Retain thisin formationfor futurereference Model No t4g aa 6 SerialNo IYE F 4 tgt I I r l rl E _ l RX 307TN RX 3068K ...

Страница 2: ...the presenceof important operatingand main tenance servicing instructionsin the lrtera tureaccompanying the appliance Page 2 t o Contents 3 lntroductlon 3 lnstallatlon Prepantlon 4 Compu LInk Bemote Control System 5 Stereo Component Connectlons Turntable Compact DiscPlayer TapeDeck Second TaoeDeck VCRor TV Speaker Connecilons Speaker Terminals Speakers 1 Soeakers 2 6 AC Power Connactlons 7 AM and ...

Страница 3: ...you follow the instructions in this manual Keysor buttons to be pressed areindicated withcapitalletters forexample TUNING key Connection points onthebackofthereceiver areindicated withallcapital letters forexample PHONO Names of indicators thatlightup onthereceiver areindicated withallcapital letters forexample TUNED Steps thatyouneedto follow to getthecorrect results are labeledlmportant Addition...

Страница 4: ... equipment shuts downabout5 seconds later Note Automatic sourceselection doesnotfunction on a tape deckconnected to theTAPE2 VIDEO SOUNDterminals Thisis applicable onlywithcomponents thatarecompatible withJVC sCompuLinkRemote Control System Synchronlzad recordlng Withsynchronized recording a tapedeckcanstartrecording automatically witha CDplayer or turntable Note Readyourtapedeckmanualformaoreinfo...

Страница 5: ...ct disc player to theleftandrightjacksmarked CDon thebackof thereceiver fape Deck O Connect theleftandright LineIn channels acksmarked REC on yourtapedeckto theleftandrightTAPE1 jacks marked OUT REC onthebackofthereceiver Connect theleftandright LineOut channels acksmarked PLAY onthetapedeckto theleftandrightTAPE1 jacks marked lN PLA onthebackof thereceiver Second lape Deck Connect theleftandright...

Страница 6: ...eiver asfollows Connect the and terminals oftheright side Speaker 2 tothebottom and terminals marked RIGHT onthe ranoirror Connect the and terminals oftheleft side Speaker 2 to thebottom and terminals marked LEFT onthe receiver o Soeakers 1 left right I E r r IIEIIE t r r n n r r l r r L U r E E H t U z zGfl fTrrn t tTFrtYt II f tr I tE lta vv oo Speakers 2 left right B o o 0 AC Powet Connectlons ...

Страница 7: ... wireoutdoors Thean tennawiresholdbeabout16to 40 feet 5to 12meters long Connect oneendoftheantenna to theAM loopterminal marked AM EXT Note Exceptfor theconnection makesureno uninsulated antenna wiretouches therearpanelof thereceiver Otherwise thereceiver mightnotpickup AM broadcasts F t 75 Ohm Antenne Cable Q Loosen thescrews holding thebracket to therearpanelof thereceiver O Loosen thecapof the3...

Страница 8: ...n on AM andFMbroadcast reception TheTunerDisplay Window is alsousedto setand recalloresetradiostations Page8 O RX 2o7TN RX 2o6BK BECE YED Indlcator Thisindicator lights up whensignals arereceived fromthe remote control unit RX 3O7TN RX 3O6BK BECEMD and POWER 9IANDBY lndlcator Thisindicator lightsup whensignals arereceived fromthe remote control unitor whenthereceiver isintheSTANDBY mode 9Remote Se...

Страница 9: ...lect buttons to choose thestereo source youwantto listen to Thecorresponding Source Indicator Lightshows whichstereo source is beingplayed Note Operatethestereosources forexample CD phono tapedeck by followingtheappropriateinstruction manuals TurntheVOLUME control to adjust thevolume Impoftant Listeningto an ertremelyloudsoundmay cause a hearingdefect Adjustthe volumeproperly Especialty when using...

Страница 10: ... playsin stereo the STEREO indicator and the AUTOindicator arelighted Press the FM MODE MUTE button whenlistening to an FM station witha weakor noisysignal Reception wil be improved although youwillbe listening to monaural non stereo sound TheSTEREO indicator andtheAUTOindicator disaooear Presetting an AM or FM Station Vnrrnan rocar tntSl gf 40 radiO StatiOnS intO the reCeiver S memory You preseta...

Страница 11: ...hena radiostation is tunedin scanning stops TheTUNED indicator lights andthe firstpresetchannelnumberand the frequencyof the stationtuned in are displayedalternately for aboutfiveseconds Whenthisstation is preset scanning startsagain lf you do not wantto presetthat station pressthe AUTO MEMORYbuttonwhilethe channelnumberand frequency are displayedalternately The receiverwill startscanning again Th...

Страница 12: ...fthesource playing through thespeakers Press theTAPE2 VIDEO SOUND button TheTAPE 2 MONITOR lndicator Light willlight Nowyouhearthesound oftherecording immediately asit ismadeonthetape By pressing theTAPE 2llIDEOSOUND button on andoff youcancompare thesoundquality ofthesource withthe quality ofthetaperecording beingmade Playing Back with a Surround sound Etfect Playing backa stereo source withtheSU...

Страница 13: ...n thetransmitter andthetarget Press keysslowly andpositively making surethedesired functions result Thekeymarkings onthetransmitter maynotmatch thoseon theequipment Check themarkings Theremote control unitcannot control equipment functions theydo notsupport Olderequipment maynotbe receptive to theirinput Check forconnection oftheCOMPU LINK 1 orCOMPU LINK 3 SYNCHRO terminals ontheremote equipment b...

Страница 14: ...ase it press TapeDeck TAPE1 1 Pr theTAPE 1 kevoftheSOURCE SELECT orCONTROL Section keys 2 U theSelectable Function keys r Stops operation r Skips tothebeginning oftheprevious tune rr Skips tothebeginning ofthenexttune u Stops playback recording temporarily To release it press Fastwindsthetapefromrightto left p Fastwindsthetapefromleftto right c Press together with to startrecording Press together ...

Страница 15: ... PlugPowercord into an AC outlet Speakerwiresnot connectedproperly Checkspeakerwiring Reconnect if needed SpeakerButtonsnot Pressthe Speaker set correctly Buttonsin or out as desired Soundfrom one speaKer onry Speakerwiresnot connectedproperly Checkspeakerwiring Reconnect if needed Balance Control may Slide Balance Control besetto one sobothspeakers extreme havesound Continuous hissor buzzing duri...

Страница 16: ...0 watts 2 5 mV 47kohms 200 mV 47kohms 200 mV 20 Hz to 20 kHz 1dB 70dB 66 IHF 78dB 78 rHFRECOUT eldB 66rHF 80dB 78 rHF 87 5MHzto 108 0MHz Mono 10 8dBf 0 95pV 75ohms Mono 16 3dBf 1 8p V 75ohms Stereo 38 3dBf 22 5pV 75ohms Mono 80 dB Stereo 73 dB Mono 0 150 o Stereo 0 20lo 30 Hzto 15 kHz 0 5 dB 3 dB 1 5d B 60 dB 400kHz 85 dB at98 MHz 40 dB at 1 kHz 530 kHzto 1 710kHz 30p V external 300pV m loopantenn...
