CDCH Error
Error log of CDCH.
E-1 :****** E02 :******
E-2 :****** E03 :******
E-3 :****** E04 :******
E01 :****** E05 :******
CDCH Error
P-Mecha Error
Error log of control panel mechanism.
E-1 :****** E02 :******
E-2 :****** E03 :******
E-3 :****** E04 :******
E01 :****** E05 :******
P-Mecha Error
System Error
Error log of navigation microcomputer system.
Total error counts.
E-1 :
[E-1] is newly data.
E-2 :
Error content
00 :no error
E-3 :
Navi+Ent :HDD,SD system error.
System Error
Navi :Navigation system error.
Ent :HDD,SD system error.
SCI :Navigation microcomputer system error.
Temperature Temperature data. (For technical examination)
GYRO Adjust Value
GYRO Adjust - OK
GYRO adjusting value
(For technical examination)
Offset :XXXX
Factor :XX. XX
GYRO Adjust Value
Data Clear
1.DVD Err Clr 4.Initial Name & DVD
2.CDCH Err Clr 5.Initial GYROData
DVD Err Clr Clear of DVD error log.
3.P-Mecha Err Clr 6.Initial All
Data Clear Mode
CDCH Err Clr Clear of CDCH error log.
P-Mecha Err Clear of control panel mechanism error.
Initial Name & DVD
Clear the user entry information, initialize the DVD error log and DVD menu setting value.
(Not clear the servo learning data.)
Initial GYROdata Initialize the GYRO value of the factory setup data.
Initial All Initialize factory setup data.
Running Mode (For technical examination)
HDD Format
1.Music Srv Format
2.SYS Data Format
Music Srv Format All formatting of the HDD music data area.
HDD Format Mode
SYS Data Format All formatting of the VAVI (addres ets.) system recording data.
DVD Area/Region Area suffix is [E]. Region [2] fixed.
DVD Check Mode
Press Any Key
DVD Check Mode
DVD NTSC/PAL (For technical examination)
TMC Check Mode TMC Signal Check (Using factory setup)
TMC Info Mode (For technical examination)
Self Check
Self check as following
Self Check OK !
GYRO check
Check of GYRO data in state of rest.
Self Check
Check of GYRO data in AD value.
GPS check
Check of GPS output.
Check of UART output form GPS unit.
HDD check
Check of R/W on the HDD.
Error code
0004: GYRO error Trouble of GYRO
0005: GPS error Trouble of GPS unit
0007: HDD error Trouble of HDD
Full Clear Continuously execute of the [Initial All] and [HDD Sev Format].
(Using factory setup)
Data Read
Error History
1.Error History
1.DVD Error
4.System Error
2.CDCH Error
3.GYRO adjust value
3.Panel Mecha Err
Data Read Mode
Error History
Error logs and data display
DVD Error
Error log of DVD.
E-1 :****** E02 :******
E-2 :****** E03 :******
E-3 :****** E04 :******
E01 :****** E05 :******
DVD Error
Note: After initialized should push the [RESET] key,
Note: After initialized should push the [RESET] key,
or should pull out a power code 30 seconds or more, and should surely reset a main unit.
or should pull out a power code 30 seconds or more, and should surely reset a main unit.
Note: After formatted should push the [RESET] key,
Note: After formatted should push the [RESET] key,
or should pull out a power code 30 seconds or more, and should surely reset a main unit.
or should pull out a power code 30 seconds or more, and should surely reset a main unit.
Note: After formatted should push the [RESET] key,
Note: After formatted should push the [RESET] key,
or should pull out a power code 30 seconds or more, and should surely reset a main unit.
or should pull out a power code 30 seconds or more, and should surely reset a main unit.
Note: After self checked should push the [RESET] key,
Note: After self checked should push the [RESET] key,
or should pull out a power code 30 seconds or more, and should surely reset a main unit.
or should pull out a power code 30 seconds or more, and should surely reset a main unit.
Note: After cleared should push the [RESET] key,
Note: After cleared should push the [RESET] key,
or should pull out a power code 30 seconds or more, and should surely reset a main unit.
or should pull out a power code 30 seconds or more, and should surely reset a main unit.