About KNX Sonos Gateway
KNX Sonos -Gateway
© 2019 Albrecht J ung GmbH & Co. KG
p. 10 / 118
Below you will find the mos t important functions at a glance.
Control mus ic reproduced s eparately in up to ten rooms /zones (ten mas ters s upported).
One Sonos device (mas ter) can s pecify the s ound for all the devices in the hous e us ing the "Party
mode" function.
Trigger dynamic group creation of Sonos devices via KNX: Dynamic group creation for up to ten
groups , each with one mas ter and up to five s lave devices .
Number of Sonos devices :
Control up to 60 Sonos devices control divided into ten mas ter-s lave groups .
Control up to 51 Sonos devices as one mas ter-s lave group (
max. 51 Sonos devices , including its elf, p. 29).
As of the date this documentation was printed, Sonos s upports a total of up to
32 Sonos products and controllers in a s ingle hous ehold. The maximum num-
ber of 60 different Sonos devices or 51 Sonos devices in one Sonos group
us ing ten master-s lave groups with the s ame mas ter can therefore only be
attained theoretically.
Control of playlis t Start, Paus e and Stop for each master-s lave group.
Change of playlis t (forward/back and direct s election).
Navigation between tracks (forward/back).
Random playback of tracks (shuffle).
Direct s election of the first track in Sonos Playlis ts .
Repeat of a Sonos playlis t (any number of times ).
Interrupt playback or unmute for announcements s uch as bells , calling for lunch or wake-up alarm.
Option for direct playback of announcements and playlis ts directly from the device (microSD card).
Volume control
Complete volume control of mas ters , s laves and the entire mas ter-s lave group.
Switch the sound on and off (muting).
Volume pre-selection and unmuting during s ource s election.
Increas e/lower volume: To abs olute or relative value.
Information about the current playback
Title, artis t and album in s crolling text on KNX text objects .