The cycle sttchng s the shape sewng such as label attachng and the lke, and a functon created by sup-
posng the case where a pattern, each sde of whch s dfferent, s regstered and sewn.
Cycle sttchng can change over the dfferent patterns n order and perform the sewng.
In addton, by settng the number of sttches, programmed sttchng wth dfferent needle entry postons for
each step can be performed.
Cycle sttchng can be set up to max. 20 steps and 10 knds can be regstered.
To perform the cycle sttchng, t s necessary to regster n advance the patterns whch are used n each step.
Cycle stitching selection pop-up screen
1) Select
n the sec-
ond screen of the sewng
shape lst.
2) Press swtch
spondng to the regstered
sewng, or patterns you
desre to edt n the cycle
sttchng selecton pop-up
3) Press
to dsplay the
cycle sttchng settng
(2) Cycle stitching edit
the second screen of sewing shape list
1) Press
n the cycle sttchng selecton pop-up screen to dsplay the new creaton pop-up screen.
2) Nos. whch have not regstered at present are dsplayed n
. Select the No. you desre to obtan wth “+” and “–”.
s pressed here, the screen returns to the former one wthout creatng.
3) When
s pressed, new creaton s performed.
The No. whch has been created s n the selectve state. Contnue to set the cycle sttchng.
Standard delivery level of the key lock is “1”. When the level of the key lock is the case
other than “0”, be sure to change the level to “0” to perform the operation below.
6-13. Cycle stitching
(1) New creation of the cycle stitching
Cycle sttchng pattern can be newly created.
New creation pop-up screen