(4) How to set the sequence of the feeding frame operation
(Function Nos. 030 to 033, 98, 99)
The LK-1930 can change the operating way of the feeding frame and pedal using the memory switch.
The setting of the desired operation of the feeding frame and pedal can be made by changing the function
Nos. 30 to 33,98,99 of the memory switch.
Function No. 30 Feeding frame control (1)
This memory switch can specify the operation order of the feeding frame when the feeding frame
automatically operates and when it operates by means of the pedal.
Item 1 : Can set the operation order of the feeding frame when the work clamp foot works regardless
of the pedal operation when using the preparation key, threading key, etc.
Set value : 0 to 99 (However, at the time of the initial setting, all release or all clamp only.)
Item 2 : Selects the operation order of the feeding frame at the time of opening / closing by means of
the pedal. (Refer to the table 1.)
[Memory switch setting level table 1]
Priority order
Separate type feeding frame
Separate type feeding frame
Separate type feeding frame
4 to 99
Monolithic feeding frame
Coming down either
from the right- or left-
side is possible.
Comes down from the
right side
Comes down from the
left side.
The feeding frame, right, comes down by
the right-side pedal, and left, comes down
by the left-side pedal.
The feeding frame, right, comes down by
the right-side pedal, and left, comes down
by the left-side pedal.
However, the feeding frame, left, does not
come down if the feeding frame, right, has
not come down.
The feeding frame, left, comes down by
the right-side pedal, and right, comes
down by the left-side pedal.
However, the feeding frame, right, does
not come down if the feeding frame, left,
has not come down.
Same as the setting “0”.
Set these set values when special
operations are necessary for special
In this case, modification of the program
is necessary.
Table 1
Monolithic feeding frame