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Display the data input screen.
In case of the data nput screen, the change of tem data can
be changed. In case of the sewng screen (green), press
READY swtch
to dsplay the data nput screen (blue).
* the thread tension and the intermediate presser height
can be changed even on the sewing screen.
Display the item data input screen.
When the button of the tem data you desre to change s
pressed, the tem data nput screen s dsplayed.
Item data are 5 tems below.
* Thread tenson value and ntermedate presser reference value wll change wth every pattern to be
Scale rate n X drecton and
Scale rate n Y drecton can be changed to actual sze value
nput by selecton of the memory swtch
* There are two ways below to perform X/Y enlargement/reducton.
• The data already read n ths data nput screen can be repeatedly enlarged or reduced.
• X/Y scale rate can be set and read when selectng the pattern. See
* In case of the pont sewng, even when ncrease/decrease of number of sttches s set under
Enlargement and reducton functon mode, enlargement and reducton can be performed wth n-
crease/decrease of ptch.
* When X/Y scale rate s ndvdually set n case of crcle or arc, or X/Y enlargement/reducton are
repeated, the sewng s changed to pont sewng and the shape may not be kept.
Enlargement /reducton can be performed by ncrease/decrease of ptch. In ths case, set and read
X/Y scale rate n the pattern lst screen.
* Max. nput range and ntal value of max. speed lmtaton
are determned wth memory swtch
* Change of the ntermedate presser heght cannot be performed mmedately after turnng ON the
power or mmedately after movng from the man unt nput. Use the machne after pressng READY
and performng the orgn retreval.
2-6. changing item data
Item range
Input range
Initial value
Scale rate n X drecton
.0 to 400.0 (%)
00.0 (%)
Scale rate n Y drecton
.0 to 400.0 (%)
00.0 (%)
Thread tenson
0 to 200
Pattern set value
Max. speed lmtaton
200 to 2,500 (st/mn)
2,500 (st/mn)
Intermedate presser hegh
0.0 to 3.5 (mm) (Max 0.0 to 7.0 (mm))
Pattern set value
Be sure to confirm the shape of pattern after the change of X/Y enlargement/reduction ratio. There
may be a dangerous case such as needle breakage by interference of needle with the presser or the
like according to the set value.