Design, Manufacture and Installation of Theatrical Equipment Worldwide
(315) 451-3440
Fax (315) 451-1766
Rev 3: October 7, 2009
SPEED (FPM): Set speed field (Variable-speed systems only) When the base screen opens up, the default speed
will appear in the SPEED field. The speed is expressed in feet per minute. To designate a new speed value,
touch the SPEED numeric field. A numeric keypad will open; use it to key in a new numeric target. When you
touch the ENTER key on the keypad, the new value will be transferred to the SPEED field, and the keypad will
LOAD (#): Winch load field (Systems equipped with load sensing only). This field displays the total load imposed
on the winch headblock, in pounds.
DEFAULT VALUES: There are four touchbuttons at the right of the screen that can be used to load values with a
single touch. The SUL button will load the Soft Upper Limit into the target field. The SLL button will load the Soft
Lower Limit into the target field. The POS AS TRGT button will load the current position into the TARGET field.
The DFLT SPD will load the default speed into the speed field (variable-speed systems only).
PRESET SELECTION: The touchbuttons at the left of the screen (P-1 through P-8) are used to loads presets.
When a preset button is touched, the associated description will appear in the PRESET COMMENT area at the
top of the screen. The target and speed values for this preset will appear in the TARGET and SPEED fields.
SCREEN JUMPS: The buttons at the bottom of the screen (PRESET RECORD, PARAM PAGE, STATUS PAGE)
provide "jumps" to other screens and procedures in the control system. These are detailed in other sections of
this manual. Multiple winch system will also have a BASE PAGE button, which is used to return to the winch
selection page.
When a winch base screen is opened up, the current position is displayed in the POSITION and TARGET fields,
and the default speed is displayed in the SPEED field (variable-speed winches only). To run the winch up or
down from this point, push and hold the GO UP or GO DOWN button on the control station. The winch will
accelerate to the default speed and travel until the GO button is released, or until the winch reaches its Soft Upper
or Soft Lower Limit. To alter the speed of a variable-speed winch during operation, move the speed control
joystick handle - moving the joystick up will increase the speed proportionate to the degree of joystick movement;
moving it down will decrease the speed proportionately. Fixed-speed units will only operate at their designated
If a different speed is required for the entire move, enter the new speed prior to pushing the GO UP or GO DOWN
button. To designate a new speed value, touch the SPEED numeric field. A numeric keypad will open; use it to
key in a new numeric target. When you touch the ENTER key on the keypad, the new value will be transferred to
the SPEED field, and the keypad will close. Once this value is entered, run the set directly as described above.
Operation of all machinery controlled by this system uses a form of "Deadman" operation. In this type of
operation, the operator must push and hold a button to run a set, and release the button to stop. This is done to
assure that the operator may not initiate a move and then leave the operator station while the move is in progress.
Never move a unit which you, the operator, do not have in direct view. Damage or injury may occur if
a unit is moved without first checking that the unit is clear to move. If you cannot maintain a clear view of the unit
throughout the move, arrange to have spotters located where they can see it, and be sure to have a reliable way
of communicating with them throughout the move.