Doc. No.: 85355 Rev. H
Page 41 of 48
Reception on an AIS-SART compliant electronic
chart (ECS/ECDIS)
Although the AIS transponder is not AIS-SART compliant, the electronic
chart may show the correct symbol when receiving an AIS-SART in TEST or
ACTIVE if it is updated to the latest revisions defined below:
A special symbol (RED) (ref. SN.1/Circ.243/add.1 and in the latest revision
of IEC 62388)
An AIS search and rescue transponder is represented by a circle with an X.
The diameter of the circle is 5mm. The symbol shall be drawn using a thick
dashed line style (RED) The symbol will flash until acknowledged by the
user. Once acknowledged, the symbol shall cease flashing.
Figure 39 Image: Display - Electronic chart - Red symbol and dashed line
A text message stating SART TEST will also be received.