02-508 Electronic Portable Scoreboard it‘s new design and multi function make it easy and
convenient to operate and carry. It is suitable for table tennis and badminton. Requires
12×1.5V No.5 battery, Can also be used direct to mains 18V electricity, It features LED digital
display, clear numbers and economical use of power, It can be used for a long time if
alkaline batteries are used.
2. Description of Parts
1 Handle
2 Game score
3 Time Out - left indication light on: Time Out was taken by the athlete on the left. Right
indication light on: Tme Out was taken by the athlete on the right.
4 Score
5 Mains power - 18V direct current
6 Battery cover
7 Time Out counter - monitor and main display show the same results.
8 Game counter - monitor and main display show the same results.
9 Score counter - monitor and main display show the same results.
10 Point counter (right) - press once to add 1 to score (right)
11 Open button - press left and right button at the same time, the score board will open
12 Change Time Out (right) - press once, right Time Out light will be on.
13 Game counter (right) - press once to add 1 game (right)
14 OFF/ON—after insertion of batteries, switch to “ON”, score show: 0 : 0: game: 0 : 0,
move to “OFF” to switch off.
15 Low voltage light - indicates shortage of electricity, change of batteries will be required
16 Point count down (right) - press once to reduce 1score (right)
17 Game count down(right) - press once to reduce 1 (right)
18 Game reset - press once, both left and right show: 0
19 Score exchange - press once, game and score of the left and right side will exchange at
the same time.
21 Point reset - press once, both left and right score show: 0
21Game count down (left) - press once, left game reduces by 1.
22 Point count down (left) - press once, left score reduces by 1
23 Time Out light (OFF) - press once, light is off
24 Game count up (left) - press once, left game adds 1
25 Change Time Out (left) - press once, left Time Out light will be on
26 Point count up (left) - press once and left score adds 1