MN1010 Rev. G
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GPS logging (PED+ and PED-ER+)
The PED+ can log location data using the built-in GPS module.
DoseVision™ can then show maps with dose and
dose rate data on maps as shown below. Note that the status of alarms is also logged as shown by the green,
oranges, and red data points. For further information, see
the DoseVision™ User Manual.
2.10 Battery life
PEDs contain high capacity batteries that allow long periods of use between charges. However, the battery life is
significantly affected by how PEDs are used. The key factors that can reduce battery life are as are as follows:
Keeping the display on. That is, having the screen saver switched off.
Keeping the PED in elevated radiation fields. That is, higher than background dose rates.
Enabling and connecting through Bluetooth (PED+ and PED-ER+ only).
Enabling the GPS feature (PED+ and PED-ER+ only).
2.10.1 PED Blue, PED-ER, and PED-IS
For the PED Blue, PED-ER, and PED-IS, Tracerco recommends using the screensaver whenever possible. The table
below gives estimates for the battery life when working at background radiation levels:
Battery life expected from fully charged
300 hours (approx.)
70 hours (approx.)