Section 6: Programming
8 – Keypad Tampers Enabled
ON: All keypads containing tamper switches generate tamper alarms and restores.
OFF: The tamper switches on all keypads do not generate tamper alarms.
If this option is used, all keypads should be properly installed and secured (tamper restored) before enabling the option.
Must be ON for UL/ULC commercial burglary listed installations.
[017] System Option 5
1 – Chime on Opening
ON: When a zone with the door chime attribute ON is opened, the system keypads and sirens (if enabled) beep.
OFF: When a zone with the door chime attribute ON is opened, the system keypads and sirens (if enabled) do not beep.
2 – Chime on Closing
ON: When a zone with the door chime attribute ON is closed, the system keypads and sirens (if enabled) beep.
OFF: When a zone with the door chime attribute ON is closed, the system keypads and sirens (if enabled) do not beep.
3 – RF Jam Trouble Beeps
ON: Trouble beeps sound when an RF Jam Trouble is detected
OFF: Trouble beeps do not sound when an RF Jam Trouble is detected
4 – Multi Hit
ON: Alarms from the same zone within the Burglary Verification Timer duration cause the police code or burglary verified to be logged
and transmitted. The number of zone trips required to create a confirmed alarm depends on the value of the programmable burglary
verification counter.
OFF: Alarms from the same zone within the Burglary Verification Timer duration do not cause the police code or burglary verified to
be logged and transmitted.
This feature only applies to zones defined as Interior, Interior Delay, Interior Stay/Away, Instant Stay/Away, Delay Stay/Away, or
Night Zones (PIR Zones). Do enable this option if section [380], option 2 - Restore on Bell Time Out is enabled.
5 – Late to Close
ON: Provides an audible warning if the alarm system has not been armed by a programmed time of day but does not arm the alarm
system. The alarm system communicates and logs a Late to Close event at the end of the Auto-arm/Postpone pre-alert for each
OFF: The alarm system will neither communicate nor log a Late to Close event at the time programmed for Auto-arm for each
If the Auto-arm toggle option is disabled, the Auto-arm Pre-alert still occurs when a time is programmed for that day (if enabled)
and the event is logged and communicated. This option does not directly affect the functionality of Auto-arm. If Late to Close is
enabled and Auto-arming is not, LCD keypads display “System Arming in Progress” during the Late to Close Pre-alert.
6 – Daylight Savings Time
ON: The alarm system adjusts between Daylight and Standard times according to the times programmed in System Timers ([005]
options 901-902).
Auto-arm and Test Transmissions should not be attempted between 0200 and 0300 hours, as they will be missed during a
daylight savings clock adjust. Events programmed to occur between 0100 and 0200 will occur twice during a daylight savings clock
adjust. Daylight Savings Time programming should not conflict with the Auto-arm and Test Transmissions programming.
OFF: The alarm system makes no automatic time adjustments for Daylight Saving time.
7 – Silence Chime During Quick Exit Delay
ON: Door chime does not sound during quick exit.
OFF: Door chime sounds during quick exit, according to zone settings.
8 – Bell Squawk on Away Arm/ Disarm Only
ON: Bell Squawks are only heard when away arming, as well as when disarming from Away mode. This feature prevents the siren
from activating when arming in stay and night modes.
OFF: Bell Squawks are heard during all types of arming and disarming.
This option follows the “Bell Squawk Attribute” features if they are enabled.
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