M9102-AGA-2S and M9104-xGA-2S Series Electric Non-Spring Return
Actuators Installation Instructions
The M9102 and M9104 Series Actuators are direct-
mount, non-spring return electric actuators that operate
on AC 24 V power and use plenum cables for field
wiring. Employing a synchronous motor, these
actuators provide floating control (AGA), floating contol
with automatic shutoff (IGA), and proportional control
with selectable 0-10 or 2-10 VDC (GGA).
All models are compact in size and are easily installed
on Variable Air Volume (VAV) boxes, Variable Air
Volume and Temperature (VVT) two-position zone
applications, or small to medium-sized dampers with a
round shaft up to 1/2 in. (13 mm) in diameter, or a
3/8 in. (10 mm) square shaft.
The M9102 Series Electric Non-Spring Return
Actuators provide a running torque of 18 lb·in (2 N·m),
and the nominal travel time is 30 seconds at 60 Hz
(36 seconds at 50 Hz) for 90° of rotation.
The M9104 Series Electric Non-Spring Return
Actuators provide a running torque of 35 lb·in (4 N·m),
and the nominal travel time is 60 seconds at 60 Hz
(72 seconds at 50 Hz) for 90° of rotation.
The M9102 and M9104 Series Electric Non-Spring
Return Actuators mount directly to the surface in any
convenient orientation using a single No. 10 self-drilling
sheet metal screw (included with the actuator). No
additional linkages or couplers are required. Electrical
connections on the actuator are clearly labeled to
simplify installation.
Parts Included
one electric non-spring return actuator with an
integrated 48 in. (1.2 m) long cable
one No. 10 self-drilling sheet metal screw
Special Tools Needed
5/16 in. (8 mm) square socket
#2 Phillips screwdriver
3/8 in. (10 mm) 12-point socket
drill with a 5/16 in. (8 mm) hex nut driver
digital voltmeter or M9000-200 Commissioning
Use this M9102 or M9104 Series
Electric Non-Spring Return Actuator only to control
equipment under normal operating conditions.
Where failure or malfunction of the electric actuator
could lead to personal injury or property damage to
the controlled equipment or other property,
additional precautions must be designed into the
control system. Incorporate and maintain other
devices such as supervisory or alarm systems or
safety or limit controls, intended to warn of, or
protect against, failure or malfunction of the electric
Before specifying M9102 or M9104
Series Electric Non-Spring Return Actuators for
plenum applications, verify acceptance of exposed
plastic materials in plenum areas with the local
building authority. Building codes for plenum
requirements vary by location. Some local building
authorities accept compliance to UL 1995, Heating
and Cooling Equipment, while others use different
acceptance criteria.
Do not install or use this M9102 or
M9104 Series Electric Non-Spring Return Actuator
in or near environments where corrosive substances
or vapors could be present. Exposure of the electric
actuator to corrosive environments may damage the
internal components of the device, and will void the
M9102-AGA-2S and M9104-xGA-2S Series Electric
Non-Spring Return Actuators
Installation Instructions
Part No. 34-636-1220, Rev. E
Issued December 28, 2007
Supersedes May 8, 2007