Operation Guideline
Product Model: KONOzw
Johnson Controls Inc 2019
All Rights Reserved
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Performing hardware reset will not erase the device setting and the Z-Wave network settings
11. I
This product can be operated in any Z-Wave network with other Z-Wave certified devices from other
manufacturers. All non-battery operated nodes within the network will act as repeaters regardless of vendor
to increase reliability of the network.
KONOzw will act as a listening device if it is included in the Z-Wave network while on 24VAC system power,
and it will act as a listening sleeping slave if it is included on battery power. DO NOT power the device by
battery only if it is previously included while on system power, otherwise it will shorten the battery life. If user
desires to use battery-only power for operations, please make sure the Z-Wave inclusion is done under the
battery only powered condition.
12. T
If the device is having trouble with
with the controller
Attempt to move the device to a location closer to the Controller.
Remove obstacles or other wireless devices between device to Controller. Large appliances, mirrors,
stone/brick, and bookshelves or file cabinets located between the device and the Controller can
interfere with communication.
Ensure the device is compatible with the Controller.
If the device was communicating with the controller but is no longer communicating
Check if the power cord/batteries to the device has been disconnected or if the power switch is in the
OFF position.
Turn the power to the device OFF and then ON. The device should re-connect with the controller
13. M
If you are experiencing issues with your heating and cooling system or with your thermostat’s functionality,
please contact our technical support team