Appendix 5: Regulatory approvals
Notes for EN50136-1:2012 compliant installations - Applicable to integrated phone line and Ethernet communicator
The communicator operates in pass-through mode and it does acknowledge the alarm to the compatible control panel after
an acknowledgement has been received from the compatible alarm receiver.
1. The integrated communicator is monitored by the control panel and is programmed via the menu available from the
compatible keypad connected to the alarm control panel HS3248, HS3128, HS3023.
2. The communicaton path is immune to conducted and radiated RF fields, with levels up to 10V/m as tested per
EN50130-4 Standard.
3. The control panel with integrated communication module conforms with radiated emissions levels for Class B equip-
ment as per standards EN61000-6-3/EN55032/CISPR32.
4. The control panel has two integrated communication paths: Phone line dialer and Ethernet (IP) communication path.
These can be used in an ATS with the following categories:
Single Path mode SP3 (Phone line dialer) or SP4 (IP path), or
Dual Path mode DP2 integrated Ethernet (IP) path in conjunction with the compatible control panel
HS3248/HS3128/HS3032 integrated PSTN communicator, or
Dual Path DP3 integrated Ethernet (IP) path in conjunction with the plug-in cellular module 3G9080-EU or
5. The integrated Ethernet (IP) communication path uses sequential authentication for substitution security and encryp-
tion AES128 bit for information security. The AES128-bit key is validated by NIST, Certificate No. 5371.
6. The integrated communicators have been tested for compliance in conjunction with the following applicable stand-
ards: EN50136-1:2012, EN50136- 2:2013, EN50131-10:2014, Grade 3, Class II, ATS configuration: SP3, DP2, DP3.
For EN50131-1:2006/A1:2009 /A2:2017 compliant installations, the following programming options must be set as
described: Supervision heartbeat set to 180 seconds for SP4 and DP3 configuration, along with the ARC receiver
supervison window set to 180 seconds. For DP2 configuration, the supervison must be set to 30 minutes.
This product is in conformity with the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2014/30/EU, the Low Voltage Directive
2014/35/EU, and the RoHS3 Directive (EU) 2015/863.
The product is labelled with the CE mark as proof of compliance with the above mentioned European Directives. Also, a CE
declaration of conformity (DoC) for this product can be found at www.dsc.com under the Agency Listings section.
5.7 UK Compliance Statement
In the UK this product is suitable for use in systems installed to conform to PD 6662:2017 at Grade 3 and environmental
class II with the following notification options: A, B, C, D, E.
Where HS3032, HS3128 and HS3248 are used with a single path signaling method (such as the Integrated Digital Dialer),
please note the following limitation:
Your attention is drawn to the fact that failure or compromise of single path signaling cannot be passed to the police. While
the failure persists, subsequent alarms cannot be notified to the alarm receiving centre and passed to the police.
Setting Methods
The HS3032, HS3128 and HS3248 are capable to support the completion of the full setting procedure by the following meth-
a) push button switch, mounted outside the supervised premises; or b) protective switch (i.e., door contact) fitted to the final
exit door of the alarmed premises or area. The setting procedure is a two-stage process of initiating the setting procedure
within the supervised premises (e.g., using Mini Prox Tag (MPT) or user code) followed by completion of setting by one of
the two methods mentioned above. Please check with the Installer which method has been enabled for your system.
Unsetting Methods
The HS3032, HS3128 and HS3248 is capable to support the following unsetting methods in accordance with BS8243:
6.4.2 Prevention of entry to the supervised premises before the alarm system is unset. Unsetting using remote key before
entering the supervised premises causes or permits the initial entry door to be unlocked.
6.4.5 Completion of unsetting using a digital key (e.g., MPT or PG8929, PG8939, PG8949) either before entering the pro-
tected premises (use PG8929, PG8939, PG8949) or after entering the protected premises (use MPT). The entry delay is activ-
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