047 - 24-Hour Emergency
007 - Delayed 24-Hour Fire
048 - 24-Hour Sprinkler*
008 - Standard 24-Hour Fire
049 - 24-Hour Flood
009 - Instant Stay/Away
051 - 24-Hour Latching Tamper
010 - Interior Delay
052 - 24-Hour Non-Alarm
011 - Day Zone
056 - 24-Hour High Temperature
012 - Night Zone
057 - 24 Hour Low Temperature
016 - Final Door Set
060 - 24-Hour Non-Latching Tamper
017 - 24-Hour Burglary
066 - Momentary Keyswitch Arm
018 - 24-Hour Bell/Buzzer
067 - Maintained Keyswitch Arm
023 - 24-Hour Supervisory
068 - Momentary Keyswitch Disarm
024 - 24-Hour Supervisory Buzzer
069 - Maintained Keyswitch Disarm
025 - Auto Verified Fire
071 - Door Bell
027 - Fire Supervisory
072 - Push to Set
* Not UL evaluated
[001]-[128] Select Zone
Every zone on the system must be assigned a zone type. The available zone types are listed below.
Null Zone
Assign to all unused zones.
Delay 1
Commonly assigned to primary points of entry. Follows entry delay 1 and exit delay timers (section
[005]). Arming the alarm system starts the exit delay timer. After the exit delay has expired, opening
the door starts the entry delay timer. During entry delay, the keypad buzzer prompts the user to
disarm the system.
Delay 2
Commonly assigned to secondary points of entry (further from the keypad). Follows entry delay 2
timer (section [005]).
PowerSeries Neo HS2016/HS2016-4/HS3032/HS2064/HS2064 E/HS2128/HS2129 E Alarm Controller Reference