• Away Armed Status PGM
• Stay Armed Status PGM
• Away Armed with No Zone Bypass Status
• Partition Status Alarm Memory
OFF: PGMs are activated at the beginning of exit delay. This applies to PGMs with one of the armed
status attributes listed above.
4 - Not Used
5 - Keypad Buzzer Follows Bell
ON: The keypad buzzer activates with all bell activity for the selected partition.
OFF: The keypad buzzer only activates with alarms programmed to do so.
6 - Not Used
7 - Exit Delay Restart
ON: Opening a delay zone door after it has already been opened and closed during an exit delay
restarts the exit delay timer. Further openings and closings do not restart the timer.
OFF: Delay zone openings and closings do not restart the exit delay.
8 - AC Fail Trouble Beeps
ON: System keypads beep when an AC trouble event occurs.
OFF: System keypads are silent during AC troubles.
[019] System Option 7
1 - Audible Wireless Device Fault
ON: If a wireless zone fault occurs while armed, the siren sounds for the duration of Bell Time Out.
This option only affects zone definitions that are considered armed. The following zone types do
not generate an alarm when faulted while stay armed: interior stay away zone, delay stay away
zone, instant stay away zone, night zone. The following zone types do not generate an audible
alarm in any armed state (stay, away, or night): 24-hour supervisory, 24-hour non-alarm, 24-hour
CO, delayed 24-hour Fire, standard 24-hour fire, Auto-verified fire.
When the partition is armed, wireless supervisory troubles from sirens, keypads and repeaters
generate audible alarm conditions.
If Tamper/Fault Detection is enabled, these events can start the burglary verified timer and affect
the burglary verified counter.
OFF: Wireless device faults do not sound the siren.
2 - Latching Troubles
ON: Troubles remain on the system until viewed via [*][2], even if they are restored. The trouble
condition is cleared when the [#] key is pressed from the [*][2] menu after the trouble has restored.
The Trouble LED turns off unless other troubles are present. The trouble is not cleared if the [*][2]
menu times out before the [#] key is pressed.
OFF: Troubles are cleared once restored.
For UL installations, this option must be ON.
PowerSeries Neo HS2016/HS2016-4/HS3032/HS2064/HS2064 E/HS2128/HS2129 E Alarm Controller Reference