Connecting Serial Controllers to the P2000 Comark Server Running Software Version 3.11
Preliminary – This information may change.
Figure 5: Current Loop Converter to Terminal Controller
Grounding and Connectors
This section provides instructions for grounding cable shields for data and low voltage
installations. Follow these guidelines for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) conformity
and improved system reliability.
Every unit in a Johnson Controls system’s installation must have its chassis connected to
a verified electrical ground (earth). In all cases, the pertinent national wiring codes apply.
National Electrical Code NFPA 70 must be followed for installations in the USA.
Canadian Electrical Code C22.1 must be followed for installations in Canada.
BSI Standard BS7671 (latest edition) must be followed for installations in Great Britain.
Additional information is given in the Johnson Controls Installer’s
Code of Practice
(FAN 1196)
Conduit ground, cold water pipes, unbrazed joints, and dissimilar metals are
unacceptable in the path of either building or supplemental ground. Where grounding is
required, connect only to the proven building electrical system ground (earth).