Allvis – Manual (EN 2021-05-25)
2.3 Height Calibration Rods
The measurement system includes 6 height calibration rods.
Each rod a different length, from A which is the shortest to F
the longest. For best results, use shortest rod possible while
allowing sufficient working height under the vehicle.
2.4 Magnetic Attachment
This attachment was developed to suit most vehicle models on
the market. Use it when a round or oval hole <Ø35 mm is
specified as the zero point on the vehicle dimension data
2.5 Datum Height Rods
6 rods are included ranging in length from 160 to 900 mm. Rod
length is determined by the data sheet and should allow for
the specified reading to be observed when the rod has been
locked in place on the measuring arm. The rod should be about
100 mm longer than the height value on the data sheet,
allowing for the extra length needed to insert the rod through
the head. Insert the rod into the measuring head at the front
end of the measuring arm. Position the flat side of the rod
towards the “release” mark, set it at the desired height and
secure by twisting it to the “lock” position.
The adjustable level located on top of the measuring head is
used to calibrate the measuring arm to a datum plane. The
level swivels 180 degrees and the attached calibration wheel
allows very accurate datum calibration.
With the measuring arm set up and adjusted to an undamaged
control point the level should be swiveled to the adjustment
position where the exposed adjustment wheel can be used to
calibrate the datum plane.
See 4.2 Using level…..Read the part (IMPORTANT)!
When the measuring arm is moved to the damaged part of the
vehicle to check datum height the level must be swiveled to
the opposite locked position where it will be used to bring the
arm into a level plane for accurate height measurement.