USR-800-42 User Guide
inan USR IOT Technology Limited
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5. Contact
Jinan USR IOT Technology Limited
Floor 11, Building1, No.1166 Xinluo Street, Gaoxin Distric, Jinan, Shandong, China
86-531-55507297, 86-531-88826739
Support :
[email protected], [email protected]
6. Disclaimer
This file never granted any permission of intellectual property right, and never expressed or hinted, or
banned to post or other modes to grant any intellectual property right permission. Our company will not bear
any other responsibility beyond the obligation of our products’ selling provisions and conditional declarations.
Meanwhile, our company will not make any expressed or hinted guarantee for this product’s selling and/or
using, including for this product’s specific utilization applicability, marketability or for any patent right, version
right or other intellectual property right’s tort liability. The company may make changes for product
specification and product description at any time without prior notice.
7. Update
2015-10-27 V1.01 Version released
2016-01-12 V1.0.2 version add the description of detailed function
2016-03-22 V1.0.3 version add size picture
2016-06-21 V1.0.5 version modify DHCP description