User´s manual: Intelligent switch ENLINK 2RS Plus
User manual ENLINK 2RS Plus
ENLINK 2RS Plus is a device used to maximize the security and reliability of remotely controlling
models. Any, even the most perfect devices that are serially connected to the system always reduce the
system’s reliability. Using a parallel connection for control systems that are otherwise separated from
each other has always been the most reliable approach. That is why the ENLINK 2RS Plus is designed
to ensure increased operational reliability and safety. The only serial component in such a system (when
excluding the transmitter) that potentially reduces the reliability of thy system is then the ENLIK 2RS
Plus. Even in the worst case scenario the ENLIK 2RS Plus can deteriorate only one controlled function
and not the whole system. If each servo in the model is connected via an ENLINK 2RS Plus, then
through the parallel connection of these RS Plus devices, the reliability increases significantly.
ENLINK 2RS Plus is basically an intelligent switch. It selects one of the two input signals and copies
it to the output. At the same time it combines two different power supplies with a common ground.
ENLINK 2RS Plus is mainly designed to be connected to the system using the parallel connection of
two receivers in the model (e.g. Duplex receiver and REX FM receiver, or two Duplex receivers, two
RSAT2 EX satellites). You can change a desired function of the ENLINK by a simple change of the
firmware version. The Servo firmware is used for sending servo positions, the PPM firmware is used
for sending the PPM signals. Use the USB Adapter to change the firmware, see chapter
5. Update and
changing PPM/Servo software version.
ENLINK 2RS Plus has two inputs that connect to outputs from the receivers. Part of ENLINK 2RS
Plus are power supply separating diodes that ensure the separation of the power supply for individual
receivers and thus prevents the mutual balancing of the power supply between the individual
receivers. The result is that the receivers do not have to be powered from one source, or in the case
of separate power supplies, the power sources do not have to be identical. E.g. it is possible to connect