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Please read these instructions thoroughly before attempting to install your Patriot Fence. While installation of the fence 
is relatively easy, this instruction sheet should eliminate any guess work. If you have any questions or problems 
installing the fence, please call us weekdays at 1-800-344-2242


Materials Needed: 






Post Hole Digger 




  5/16” socket 11/64” and 

3/8” Drill Bits and Driver  






Hack Saw 

Before You Begin Installing Your Fence: 


Establish your fence line by staking out the area to be enclosed and attaching a guide string to the stakes. 
Make sure the fence is set back from the property line as required by local codes. 


Gates and sections should be installed so that the bottom of the fence is about 2” above ground level. This 
will allow the grass under the fence to be easily trimmed. 

Caution: Panels may be cut on site to adjust fence length.  Always cut flush with vertical wire for 

safety and to allow vertical to be secured to fence post with cable tie.  Adjustment can be made 
in multiples of 1 ¾” or 3 ½” depending on style of fence.  All cut pieces must be seal-coated 
with zinc rich primer (known as “Cold Galvanizing” or “Cold Galv”) and then painted with 
Jerith’s custom touch-up paint. This two step process should also be done in any place where 
the finish has been damaged. Failure to follow this procedure may void the warranty! 



Fence Installation:


1.  Start at a terminal post (end, corner, or gate post).  Gate locations may take priority depending upon gate widths 

or location.  If so, start with gate posts (see “




” below for Gate post spacing).  Other fence lines 

may take priority due to restriction of panel lengths (see Adjustment Caution above).  Spacing from face to face 
of posts will be actual length of panel plus ¼” for the rail end flanges. 

2.  After the terminal post is set, you may proceed by installing a section and a post at a time, or by setting all the 

line posts making sure they are set at proper spacing (see Spacing note in Caution above).  Remember, if 
shortened, the section should always be cut flush with the vertical wire so that it will abut post and allow cable 
ties  to secure that vertical to the post.  Heights of posts above ground level should be 4” longer than height of 
fence section to allow for 2” space over grade and 2” over top rail.  (If on a slope, add the length of the drop to 
the lower post.  If drop too severe, go to next longer post).  Regardless of preference for post setting, one rail 
end should be slid into each open end of top and bottom rails (See Figure 1). 

Caution: The concrete footings must extend below the frost line in areas where freezing of the 

ground can cause the posts to “heave”. The posts themselves do not have to go below the 

frost line for proper installation. 

3.  Continue in this manner until all fence posts and sections are installed. 

4.  If the grade is too steep, there may be too much space under the bottom rail of the section. If so, it may be 

necessary to cut the section in half and use an extra post to reduce the space beneath the section or add fill dirt 
under the fence section. Cold galvanize and touch up cut ends. 

5.  Sections will proceed from post to post using 4 rail ends per section (see Figure 1). Attach rail ends as shown 

with TEK screws. 

When using posts heavier than 14 ga, predrill holes for rail ends.


Flanges of rail ends 

point toward wire and 

rail ends can be adjusted for angles in lines

. Cable ties for vertical rigidity are added as 

you proceed or after all the fence sections have been installed. It is only necessary to secure one of the four 
corners of each section by using one tech screw through the rail and into the rail end.  One end of the section 
should be allowed to float freely to allow for expansion and contraction. 

6.  Fill in the top of the post holes with dirt and grass so the fence will look like it’s been there for years. Your fence 

installation is now complete! 


 Ornamental Wire Fence 

Installation Instructions


