I_Force Monitoring
Diagram I_Force
In the menu „Diag I_Force“ the way/force diagram
can be recorded by which the force progression
through the sectors can be verified.
Sector I_Force
In the WebMotion® program menu „sector i
up to 10 different force sectors can be defined.
Once an object is touched the force progression shall
be examined in a sector of 150 to 170 Increments.
When entering the force sector (“ENTRY”) the force
should be between 3 and 4N. When exiting the sector
(“EXIT”), the force should have re
ached 4N. These
force specifications are defined with the in the force
sector incoming and exiting sector boundaries.
Force Specification Examples:
1) Force curve has to pass through sector from the
left/bottom side to right/top side.
2) Force curve has to pass through sector from the
bottom to the top side.
3) Force curve has to reach the sector and can pass
through incoming and exiting force boundaries
multiple times.
If there are defined incoming and exiting force
boundaries, it is absolutely necessary that the force
curve passes through them. If there are no incoming
force boundaries defined, the force curve has to
begin somewhere within the force sector. If there are
no exiting force boundaries defined, the force curve
has to end within the force sector.