Страница 1: ...E_mJENN AIR Use and Care Manual Gas Electric Grill Range with Convection Oven Model SVD48600 ...
Страница 2: ...ce WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GAS Do not try to light any appliance Do nottouchany electrical switch donot use any phone in your building Immediatelycallyour gassupplierfrom a neighbor s phone Follow the gas supplier s instructions Ifyou cannot reachyour gassupplier call the fire department Extinguish any open flame Installationand service must be performed bya qualified installer serviceagencyorthe ...
Страница 3: ... juiciness with less shrinkage than conventional roasting In addition to the many exclusive benefits of convection cooking your Jenn Air oven is also afine full featured conventional bake and broil oven You can cook your old favorite recipes as you have in the past The conventional bake oven also gives you the flexibility of preparing various foods when convection cooking may not be as beneficial ...
Страница 4: ...Grill 18 Howa SurfaceBurnerWorks AirShutterAdjustment 12 13 Howto OperateintheEventof a PowerFailure 12 LowFlameAdjustment 13 SurfaceBurnerModule 16 SurfaceControls 15 VentilationSystem 10 Using the Oven Baking BakingCharts 31 CausesofCakeFailure 32 ConvectBaking 32 33 GeneralRecommendations 30 Broiling 38 39 ClockControls ClockControlled BakingandRoasting 28 29 Time of Day Clock 26 Timer 27 OvenC...
Страница 5: ...ntractor 6 Do not store combustible materials gasolineor otherflammable vaporsandliquid nearcooktop Thisalsoappliestoaerosolsprays and aerosolspray cans 7 Do notusewaterongreasefires Smotherfire orflame or usedry chemicalor foam type extinguisher 8 Useonlydry potholders Moistordamppotholders onhotsurfaces may resultin burnsfrom steam Do notuse a towelorotherbulky cloth 9 Select cookwarelargeenough...
Страница 6: ... cause container to burst and result in injury 16 Keep all controls Off when unit is not in use 17 Keepoven vent ducts unobstructed The oven isvented under the air grille 18 GREASE Grease is flammable and should be handled carefully Never leave any cooking operation unattended Let fat cool before attempting to handle it Do not allow grease to collect around the rangetop or in the vents Wipe up spi...
Страница 7: ...approvedfor this purpose 29 Avoidplacingthe range in a main trafficpath or in an isolated locationwithnocounterspace nearby Visualizethe ovenin use beforeselectinga location Rememberthat openovendoorsmay blocka passagewayand createa hazard 30 Use care when openingoven door Let hot air or steam escape before removingor replacingfood 31 Alwaysplace ovenracksin desiredlocationwhileovenis cool If rack...
Страница 8: ... Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 Proposition65 requirestheGovernorof Californiato publishalist of substances known to the State of California to cause cancer or reproductive harm and requiresbusinessestowarncustomersof potentialexposurestosuchsubstances Usersof thisappliance are herebywarned thatwhen the rangeisengaged inthe self clean cycle there may be some low level exposure to some of the listed...
Страница 9: ...for duct lengths 10 60 Note 5 diameter round ducting must be used if the duct length is 10 or less No more than three 90 elbows should be used Distance between elbows should be at least 18 Recommended Jenn Air wall cap should be used Make sure damper moves freely when ventilation system is operating There should be a minimum clearance of 6 for cooktop installed near a side wall Ifthere is not an o...
Страница 10: ...cookingvaporsandfumes itcanbeused to coolbaked piesorcakes To cool an item set iton the air grilleand turnon thefan The air being pulled overthe item willquicklycool it Becareful not to cover the oven vent or the entire air grille Air Grille The air grille lifts offeasily Wipe clean orwash insinkwithmildhouseholddetergents Itmay be cleaned inthe dishwasher Note The oven vent is locatedunder theair...
Страница 11: ...ls Use to capture smoke and steam See p 10 Use to provide flexibility in setting selection when using the cooktop burners or grill burner See p 16 Use the electronic touch controls to set Clock or Oven functions Clock see pp 26 29 Oven Operation see pp 22 25 11 ...
Страница 12: ...ndgrillburnerprovideflexibilityin settingselection Note The grillcan be replacedwithan optionalsurfaceburnermodule ModelAG202 Surface Burners In caseof prolongedpowerfailure you can manuallylightthe sutraceburnerby holding a lighted matchneartheburnerportsandslowlytumingthecontrolknobcounterclockwise afterdepressing untilthe gasignites There isnofanso smokeandcondensation can gather Grill IN CASE ...
Страница 13: ...ame settings adjustedfor usewith naturalgas and average installations There is a wide varietyof conditions causedbyaltitudeandgas mixturescontrolled by utilitycompanieswhichwill vary and affectthe gas flame and performance Adjustments shouldbe made at time of installation If conditionschange follow the procedures outlined below to adjust the Lo setting To adjust the Lo setting 1 Lightburnerand set...
Страница 14: ...e size can be used Theflame canbe adjusted so itcorn estothe edgeofthe cookware However the flame shouldNEVER be adjustedso that it extendsbeyondthe bottomof the cookware Stainlesssteel cookwarewith copper or aluminum cores heat evenly and fairly quickly The flamesizeshouldbe adjustedto extendonlyhalfway betweencenter and edge of the cookwarebottom for best results Cast ironcookwareheats slowly Ch...
Страница 15: ...orthe grillburner The controlsofferflexibilityin heat settingselection An infinitenumberof settingsexist betweenHi and Lo At theHI setting a detentmaybe felt Forall settingsotherthanHi simplyadjustyourflame for best results Thesizeandtypeofcookware andtheamountandtype offoodbeingcookedwillinfluence the settingneededforbest resuRs Suggestedsettingsare provided as guidelines HI A fast heatto startco...
Страница 16: ...prongatthe endofthe panintothe opening inthe end of the burnerbasin Lowerthe oppositeend intothe rangetop Note Beforefirstuse readthe Surface BurnerOrates Care instructions foundon page 46 To Remove Burner Module 1 Control knobsshouldbe inthe Off positionandthe rangetopshouldbe cool 2 Removethe aerationtray by liftingup the frontendon the rightside backend on the left side untilthe top clearsthe o...
Страница 17: ...Lower into place until side openings are resting on the burner support pins 3 Place the grill grates on the top of the rangetop NOTE Before using the grill for the first time heat the E ven Heat TM grirl burner to remove the protective shipping coating Heat the grill on Hi for 10 minutes and use the vent system to remove any additional smoke during cooling To Remove Grill Module 1 Be sure control ...
Страница 18: ...ssive fat can create cleaning and flare up problems Allowing excessive amounts of grease or drippings to constantly flame voids the warranty on the grill grates Excessiveflare ups indicate that either the grill interior needs to be cleaned or that excessive amounts of fat are in the meat or the meat was not properly trimmed Grease drippings will occasionally ignite to produce harmless puffs of fla...
Страница 19: ...19 ...
Страница 20: ...o be used the gratesshouldbe seasoned priorto preheating See p 18 Thereare manymeatmarinadeswhichwill helptenderizelessexpensivecutsof meatfor cookingonthe grill Certainfoods suchas poultry and non oily fish mayneedsomeextrafat Brush withoil or meltedbutter occasionally while grilling Use tongswith long handlesorspatulasfor turningmeats Do notuse forksas thesepiercethe meat allowingjuices to be lo...
Страница 21: ...p water mixed with t teaspoon dish detergent down the drain In the event the drain is clogged due to large food particles being trapped use the nylon string that was packaged with your range To use the nylon string simply insert one end into the drain opening in the basin pan Feed the nylon string down until it is visible under the range Now pull upon the end extending out from the top while holdi...
Страница 22: ...ontrol isnot set and Display will return to previous Display JEN _ R Oven Controls I_ h_ Tir_ Function Pads Usefor conventional bakingorroasting Usefortopbrowningorovenbroiling Useto setself cleaningprocess Useforconvectroasting Useforconveclbaking Useforclockcontrolled cooking andcleaningwhendelayedstartisdesired Forlockfunctionseepage 47 Usefor clockcontrolled cooking Forlockfunctionseepage 47 i...
Страница 23: ...re the errorwas entered indicator Words Flash to promptnext step s Indicate statusof programmed function Show programmedfunctionwhen recelled Chimes vs Beeps A chime sound is used to designate the end of a timing orcookingoperation A beep sound willbe heard when any pad is touched A series of short beeps are used to designatean incorrect entry door is open when set for a self clean and a fault cod...
Страница 24: ...lprogrammed temperatureis reached When the ovenis preheated the ovenwillchime the ON andPREHEAT Indicator Wordswillgooff andthe programmed oventemperature will remaininthe Display Note Oven willpreheatfor approximately 7 to 11 minutes Important WheneverON appears inthe Display the ovenis heating To recall temperature set during preheat Touchthe appropriateBake Pad or Convect Bake Pad orConvect Roa...
Страница 25: ...rack 1 flat rack Rack Uses Reck Position 40 offset reck on 4 Mostbroiling Rack Position 3 Mostbakedgoods on cookiesheets cakes sheet and layer Rack Position 3o offset rack on 3 Most baked goodson cookiesheets frozen conveniencefoods fresh fruit pie cream pie layer cakes maindish souffle Rack Position 2 Roastingsmallcutsof meat cakes tube bundtor layer frozenfruitpie pieshell large casseroles Reck ...
Страница 26: ...d andtouchinga numberpad the Clock Pad mustbe touchedagain in orderto set clock 2 Touchtheapproprfatenumberpadsuntilcorrect_meofdayappearsintheDisplay Note Fivesecondsaftertouch ngthenumberpads thetimeofdaywil automatica Iv be entered IMPORTANT To recall time of claywhen another time function is showing Touch Clock Pad To change time of day set on the clock Repeat steps 1 and 2 above Clocktimecann...
Страница 27: ...er pad 5 After five seconds the Display will show 05 Example To set Timer Two for 1 hour and 30 minutes touch the Timer Two Pad and the number pads 1 3 0 After five seconds the Display will show 1 90 Countdown will star after five seconds Countdown will have display precedence over other time functions If both timers are set the timer with the least amount of time remaining will have display prece...
Страница 28: ...eneverON appearsinthe Display theovenisheating 3 Touch Cook Time Pad IndicatorWordsCOOK TIME willflash and Displaywillshow 0 HR 00 4 Touch the appropriate number pads to enter cooking hours in five minute increments Hoursareto leftofcolonandminutesto rightofsolon Allowablerange is 5 minutes to 11 hours and 55 minutes Example If cookingtime selectedfor the oven is 2 hoursand 30 minutes the Displayw...
Страница 29: ...the number pads 1 0 0 Five seconds later the Display will briefly show the start time 1g 3o o After five seconds the Display will return to current time of day thus showing I 0 00 o 0lair At the endof the delayed period the DELAY IndicatorWord will gooff andthe oven will begin to heat 100 will be shown As the oven heats the Display will show a rise in increments of 5 until programmed temperature i...
Страница 30: ...e pan place them on opposite corners of the rack Stagger pans when baking on two racks so that one pan does not shield another unless shielding is intended See above left To conserve energy avoid frequent or prolonged door openings At the end of cooking turn oven off before removing food Alwaystest for doneness fingertip toothpick sides pulling awayfrom pan Do not rely on time or brownness as only...
Страница 31: ... _ _ 425 An o after a rack number impliesthat the offsetrack should be used The times givenare basedon specificbrandsof mixes or recipestested Actual timeswi_tdepend on the ones you bake The ConvectBaketemperatureis 25 F lowerthanrecommended on packagemix or recipe 31 ...
Страница 32: ...ecipe recommendedtemperature Times will be similarto or a few minutesless than recipereoommendedtimes Thechertonpage31comparestimesandtemperaturas of many bakedfoods Use this as a reference Forbetterbrowning placecookie sheets andbakingpans lengthwise side to side on the rack Cookiesheetsshouldbe withoutsidesand madeof shinyaluminum The bestsize to use for cookiesheets is 16 x 12 orsmaller 32 ...
Страница 33: ...in this manual as a guide for best results Fortwo rack baking rack positions 20 and 4 arebest for most baked productsbut positions 2 and 4 also provide acceptable results For three rack baking usepositions 1 30 and 4 One exception is pizza See p 37 Sincefoods on positions 1 and4willusuallybedonebeforefoodsonpasition 3o additional ooeking time will be needed for browning foods on the middle rack An...
Страница 34: ...hes an internal temperature about 5 degrees below the temperaturedesired For less lossof juicesand easiercarving allowabout 15 minutes standingtime after removingmeat from oven Forbestresultsinroastingpoultry thawcompletely Dueto thestructure ofpoultry partiallythawedpoultrywillcook unevenly If preferred tender cuts of meat can be roasted in the conventionalbake oven by following the general recom...
Страница 35: ...1 4 i _N e N_ r g_ Whenusing theConvect Roast mode thereisnoneedtopreheat theovenortolower the temperature fromconventional roast temperatures Notrecommended forconvection cooking Mostprecooked hams havetobecovered while roasting thus therewould benotimesavings when using theconvect mode 35 ...
Страница 36: ...lcap over the breast areaafter desired brownnessis reachedto prevent overbrowning See above A stuffed turkey will require an extra 30 to 60 minutes depending onsize Stuffing should reach an internal temperature of 165 F Convect Roasting Frozen to Finish Meats exceptpoultry may be roastedfrozen to finish Follow these guidelinesfor the most satisfactory results Usetemperatures for roasting fresh mea...
Страница 37: ...o For muffiple rack cooking use racks 1 3o and 4 However pizzas should be placedon cookiesheets and bakedon rack position 2o 3 and 4 Here are a few examples of times and temperatures 9 _ KVE_ _0_ _i_ _ _ _ _ t_ i_ _ _i s _ _J7_ _ _ _ _ _ _ i _ N _ O _ t x An o after a rack numberimpliesthat the offsetrack shouldbe used Conventionalbake usesthe Bake Pad The times givenare basedon specificbrandsof m...
Страница 38: ...desiredtemperature Temperaturecan be enteredin5 increments Use HI broilfor mostbroiloperations Use variablebroilfor delicateand long termitems Fivesecondsafterentering HI orfoursecondsafter enteringa temperature the broilelementwill come on and the IndicatorWordsBROIL and ON will remainin the Display If the variablebroilfeature was selected the IndicatorWordON will cycle with the element Example I...
Страница 39: ...re broiling remove excess fat from meat and score edges of fat do not cut into meat to prevent meat from curling Salt after cooking To prevent dry surface on fish or lean meats brush melted butter on top Foods that require turning should be turned only once during broiling Turn meat with tongs to avoid piercing and loss of juices Chart time is based on a preheated broil element using the HI settin...
Страница 40: ...excessive __ amountof water that would dampenthe door gasket Soil left in these areas will be more difficult to remove after the serf cleaningprocess since the h gh heat will bake on any soil that is present DO NOT USE COMMERCIAL OVEN CLEANERS TO CLEANTHESE AREAS DO NOTATTEMPT TO CLEAN RUB OR APPLYWATER TO GASKETON OVEN DOOR The gasket is essential for a good door seal Rubbingor cleaning will dama...
Страница 41: ...l flash and Displaywill show HR 3 Touchthe appropriatenumber pad s The firstnumberpadtouchedwill enter 3 00 in the Displayfor an average soiled oven The cleaningtimecan be varieddependingonthe amountofsoil Set 2 00 for lightsoilor 4 00 for heavy soil Note if more than five seconds elapse between touchingthe Clean Pad and touchinga numberpad the ovenis n _qt set and timeof daywillautomatioaUy retur...
Страница 42: ...play willreturn to previous acceptableStopTime Example If at 9 o clockyou set the ovento cleanforthree hours the calculated stoptime wouldbe 12 00 The Displaywouldshow z oo If you want the stoptime to be 1 o clock touchthe numberpads 1 0 0 Five secondslater the Display wouldshowstarttime I0 00 _AAT 11E eLFiN After five seconds the Displaywill returnto current time of day thus showing 9 00 _P O CtE...
Страница 43: ...o turnoff IMPORTANT To recall cleaning time or stop time Touchthe appropriatepad Clean Pad or Stop Time Pad To change cleaning time or stop time before cleaning begins Repeatthe precedingsteps When the Clean Pad is touched a fan comes on Ifthisfan is notoperating the ovenwill gothroughthe cleaningprocessat a reducedoventemperatureandthe ovenwill notcleaneffectively Ifthe fan doesnotoperate contact...
Страница 44: ...p sponge If otherdark deposits remainafter wipingwith a sponge the time setfor the lengthof cleaningwas not enough Increasethe cleaningtimefor futurecJeanings or clean morefrequently The normarcleaningtime is 3 hours A maximumof 4 hours may be selectedif necessary If rackshavebeen left inovenduringthe cleaningprocess theyshouldbe treated as follows Afterthe cleaningprocessiscompletedand the ovenha...
Страница 45: ...b evenly with the grain to avoid streaking the surface Rinse well buff with dry cloth polish with glass cleaner if necessary to remove cleanser residue and smudge marks Seotch Brite is also useful in buffing and removing minor scratches Stubborn food stains may also be removed by spraying with an oven cleaner Allow to set overnight then rinse If stains remain clean with recommended cleansers such ...
Страница 46: ...inschlorinebleach Donotuseany abrasivecleansers ovencleaners orscrubwithany abrasive mater als suchas S O S oads Scotoh Brite oads etc Igniters Itisimportanttokeepigniterportopeningsonburnersclearandfreeofobstructions to avoidignition failureandpossiblegas buildup Ifthe portopeningsare blocked use a toothpick to removefood particles The ignitercap and sterncan be cleaned withwarm soapy water and a...
Страница 47: ...Pad and the Stop Time Pad simultaneously for four seconds The indicatorWord OFF willappearbriefly inthetemperaturedigitsandthen go off Beforereplacingbulb disconnect power to oven at the main fuse or circuit breaker panel and at the electric receptacle Be sure that the entire oven cavity including the light bulb is cool before attempting to remove To replace light bulb 1 Carefullyunscrewthe glassl...
Страница 48: ...opriate number pads to enter the offset temperature Allowable range is 35 to 35 Note Touching the Broil Pad will change the sign to a positive number or back to a negative number Note Do not change the temperature setting more than 10 before checking the oven 5 Touch the Cancel Off Pad to return to the previous Display Important The oven should be adjusted only 10 and the oven should be tested We ...
Страница 49: ... stewing Wok has nonstick finish wood handles cover steaming rack rice paddles and cooking tips S rMo Includes surface burner assembly aeration tray and two surface burner grates _ Grill Cover Model AG341 Attractive grill cover protects grill when not in use Textured steel with molded handles NOTE Only these accessories are approved for use with your gas grill range DO NOT USE Jenn Air e ectric gr...
Страница 50: ...urner flame lifts off the ports shutteronthe mixertubeneedsto be closeduntilflamesettlesonthe burnerports See pp 12 13 If grill or surface burner flame is yellow in color shutteronthe mixertubeneedsto be openeduntilyellowdisappears See pp 12 13 If nothing on the range operates checkfor a blowncircuitfuse or a trippedmaincircuitbreaker checkif range is properlyconnectedto electric circuitinhouse If...
Страница 51: ...iccurrent coming into the oven may be off If foods do not broil properly the ovencontrolsmay notbe set properly check rack position voltage into house may be low If baked food is burned or too brown on top a food may be positionedincorrectlyin oven oven notpreheatedproperly If foods bake unevenly the range may be installedimproperly checkthe oven rackwitha level staggerpans do not allowpansto touc...
Страница 52: ...highortoo lowsetting Seep 48 Adjusting Oven Temperature If F plus a number appears in the Display a faultcode is beingshown When a faultcode appears and a continuous beep sounds touchthe Cancel Off Pad If the faultcode reappears disconnectpower to the range andcall an authorizedJenn AirServiceContractor JENN AIR 3035 SHADELAND INDIANAPOLIS IN 46226 0901 Printed in U S A Cat No RA4860OUC 1996 Jenn ...