Страница 1: ...NN AIR Use and Care Manual Halogen Induction Radiant Cooktops Models CCE3400 CCE3450 CCE3530 CVE3400 Model CCE3400 ...
Страница 2: ...use water on grease fires Smotherfire or flame or use dry chemical or foam type extinguisher 8 Use onlydry potholders Moistordamp potholderson hotsurfaces may result in bums from steam Do not let potholdertouch hot heating elements Do not use a towel or other bulky cloth 9 Use proper pan size Many appliances are equipped with one or more surface unitsof different size Select cookware having flat b...
Страница 3: ... an authorized Jenn Air Service Contractor 16 Clean glass ceramiccooktopswith caution If wet sponge or cloth is used to wipe spillson a hot cooking area be careful to avoid steam bums Some cleansers can produce noxious fumes if applied to a hot surface 17 Do not operate with damaged cookingelement after any product malfunctionuntilproper repair has been made 18 Keep all switches OFF when unit is n...
Страница 4: ... no CCE3450 2 induction 2 radiant no CVE3400 3 radiant I dualradiant yes 36 5 elementslCCE3530 3 radiant I dualradiant no 1 halogen Before you begin cooking with your new cooktop please take a few minutesto read and become familiarwith the instructionsin thisbook Should you have any questions about using your Jenn Air electric cooktop writeto us Be sure to providethe model number Jenn Air Customer...
Страница 5: ...ice 18 19 Cleaning 16 Ducting 15 InductionCooking Procedures 13 InductionCookware 12 Important Information 17 Radiant Halogen Cooking Procedures 10 11 Radiant Halogen Cookware 8 9 Safety Precautions 2 3 Surface Controls 6 7 VentilationSystem 14 5 ...
Страница 6: ...other than OFF it may be turned withoutpushingdown Dual ElementControl Models CCE3450 CVE3400 A redindicatorlightwillglowwhenan elementistumed ON There is a lightfor each element Models CCE3400 CCE3530 When the control knobsare in the OFF position the onlysettingvisibleis OFF When the controlknobis turned ON the ringaround the controlknobwill glowand all othercontrolsettingswill be shown The cookt...
Страница 7: ...MediumHigh For fast fryingor browningfoods to maintain rapidboilof large amountsof food 5 6 Medium Forfoodscookedina doubleboiler saut6ing slowboiloflargeamounts of food and mostfrying 3 4 MediumLo Tostew steam simmer tocontinuecooking foodsstarted onhigher settings LO 2 Maintainingserving temperaturesof foods simmeringfoods meltingbutteror chocolate The controlsofferflexibilityin settingselection...
Страница 8: ... twowaystodetermine ifcookpots have a flat smoothbottom are the rulertest and the cookingtest Ruler Test 1 Place the edge of a ruler acrossthe bottom ofthe pot 2 Holdup to the light 3 No lightshouldbe visibleunderthe ruler Cooking Test _ 1 Put 1 inchof water intothe cookpot I 2 Place cookpoton the cookingarea Tum controlto the Hi setting 3 Observethe bubbleformationto determine the heat distributi...
Страница 9: ...Hi settingjust long enoughto bringthe water to a boil then lowerthe settingto maintainthe water temperature Heavy gauge cookpotswith fiat smooth bottomswill usually work in a similarway However thereare some differencesinthe cookingperformanceofvariousmaterials Aluminum cookpotsheat quicklyandevenly Bestsuitedforsimmering braising boilingandfrying Note Aluminumcookpotswillcause metalmarksonthe gla...
Страница 10: ...theretainedheattocomplete the cooking Because of this heat retentioncharacteristic the elements will not respondtochangesinsettingsas quicklyascoilelements Intheeventofa potential boilover removethe cookpotfromthe cookingarea When preparingfoodswhichcan be easily scorchedor overcooked start cooking at a lowersetting and graduallyincreasesettingas needed A lowersettingcan be usedwhen cookingsmallqu...
Страница 11: ... cooktop Do NOT use chlorine bleach ammonia rust removers oven cleaners or other cleansernotspecificallyrecommendedfor use on glass ceramic Make sure bottomsofcookpotsare always cleanand dry Soilfromthe cookpot bottomcan be transferredtothe cooktopsurface Beforeusingcookpotsonthe glass ceramiccooktopfor the first time and periodicallyas needed clean the bottomswith scouringpads or othercleansers R...
Страница 12: ...i plystainlesssteel Examplesof nonferromagnetic materials whichdoNOT workontheinduction elements are aluminumor aluminumclad copperor copperclad porcelainon aluminum glass ceramic or earthenware Cookwarecomesin a varietyof gaugethicknesses Thin gauge potswillperform well in bringingwater to a boil quickly simmering and stewing Heavier gauge skillets providea better overallbrowningpattem CookpotsMU...
Страница 13: ...et at a highersetting Sincetheskilletbeginsto heatimmediately withinduction food couldbe burnedbeforethe controlsettingwas lowered If a foodstartsto boilover reducethe controlsetting The inductionelementswill respondinstantly IMPORTANT Do NOT use coppercookware Do NOT allowpotsto boildry Do NOT heat an emptyskillet Slowlyheat and cool porcelainpots Rapidchangesin temperaturemay cause crazingof the...
Страница 14: ... fan can be usedto removestrongodorsfrom the kitchenas when chopping onionsnear the fan Air Grille The air grilleliftsoff easily Wipecleanorwashinsinkwithmildhousehold detergents Itmay becleanedinthedishwasher Filter Turn off ventilationsystem beforeremoving The filterisa permanent typeandshould becleanedwhensoiled Clean insinkwithwarmwaterandliquid dishwashing detergent or indishwasher Important ...
Страница 15: ...ncebetweenelbowsshould be at least 18 RecommendedJenn Airwall cap should be used Make sure damper moves freelywhen ventilationsystemis operating There shouldbe a minimumclearanceof 6 for cooktopinstallednear a side wall If there is not an obvious improperinstallation there may be a concealed problem suchas a pinchedjoint obstructioninthe pipe etc Installationis the responsibility of the installera...
Страница 16: ...r paper towel Rinse and dry thoroughly To remove residuefrombumed onspills make a pasteof water and bakingsoda orBonAmi Bar KeepersFriend Comet ShinySinksornonabrasivesoftscrubbing cleansers such as CooktopCleaningCreme Part No 20000001 Scrub with papertowels nylonor plasticscrubber suchas Tuffy Rinse and dry thoroughly If stainisnotremovedeasily allowpasteto remainonsurfacefor30 to40 minutes Keep...
Страница 17: ...r Serial Number Date Purchased JENN AIR DEALER FROM WHOM PURCHASED Address City Phone AUTHORIZED JENN AIR SERVICE CONTRACTOR Address City Phone Important Retain proof of purchase documents for warranty service 17 ...
Страница 18: ...n cooktop glasscookwarewas slid acrossthe cooktop cookwarewith a roughbottom was used If metal markings appear on cooktop metalcookpotsor utensilswere slid acrossthe cooktop If brown streaks and or areas of discoloration with a metallic sheen appear on cooktop boiloversburned onto the cooktop mineraldepositsfromwater offood burned ontothe cooktop soilfrom cool potbottomwas transferredto the cookto...
Страница 19: ...nd to have hot spots too highof controlsettingwas selectedinitially inductionelements produce HOT skilletsinstantly Model CVE3400 Only If ventilation system is not capturing smoke efficiently check on crossventilationin roomor make up air excessiveamountof smokeis being created cooktopmay be impropedyinstalled check ductinginformation See p 15 air filtermay be improperlyinstalled See p 14 19 ...