erald Stanley has been with
Crown for nearly 40 years.
He started his career in
electronics by listening to short
wave broadcasts on old radios
that he repaired by scaveng-
ing parts from other old
radios. Working on RF (radio
frequency), IF (intermediate fre-
quency), and AF (audio frequency)
stages, Stanley’s youthful hobby led to a
long-standing interest in engineering
design. When he reached high school,
Stanley started working on vacuum tube
power amplifiers with high-feedback circuitry for
the home audio systems of friends and family.
Back in 1964, while a student at Michigan State, Stanley began
working for Crown in the tape recorder sector. (This was Crown’s main
business back then.) Designs of the mid-1960s incorporated transistors
rather than vacuum tubes and Stanley worked as a draftsman and power
amp designer on Crown’s first transistor components — including power
David Navone talks tech with Crown’s crown prince of power,
GERALD STANLEY, the man behind JBL’s massive GTI series amplifiers.
Reprinted from the September 2003 issue of