Starfire Fireplace Insert
*Important, DO NOT THROW AWAY,
leave this with the customer*
Operating Tips
Thank you for choosing to install a new Jayline Starfire wood burning fireplace insert in your home. You will
immediately notice an increase in heat output and a decrease in wood consumption when compared to
your old open fire.
You are also doing the environment a favour by burning less wood and emitting low levels of smoke when
you burn well-seasoned firewood. 14% to 20% moisture measured on dry weight is about perfect. Wet fire-
wood will cause excessive smoke and may cause your flue to start to block up with creosote quite quickly.
If you are unsure about the moisture content of your firewood, you can take a piece to any timber merchant
or joinery shop where they will use their moisture meter to give you an exact reading, often at no cost to you.
A building consent from your local authority is required for all Starfire installations. This should be obtained
prior to commencement of the installation.
Installation should only be carried out by a trained installer. We recommend that any installer should be
trained and hold current qualifications with the New Zealand Home Heating Association. A list of NZHHA
Registered Installers can be found on
Full installation instructions for your new Starfire have been supplied. Please ensure that all safety require-
ments are followed.